new house

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"Are you serious!?"I screamed across the table, at breakfeast this morning. I was eating toast when my mum said somthing that made me choke on my food."yes I know,its scary but we think its time we moved." Mum said as she took a sip of her coffee."dad!" I shouted at him as he read the details of the house we were moving to." I am not going to move to a new house.I am 16 and I get no say?" I said as I crossed my arms.I was so mad I stormed off to my room and and slamed my door so hard that I felt the floor vibrate.I've never been so angry in my life. It was the summer holidays and this was the the worst thing ever.I got onto Facebook and I told my friends about the whole thing. They were pretty pissed too, and then I got off Facebook and hugged one of my pillows. I was in tears then I hear a knock on my door."hey sis.I just came up to give you some coffee. Are you ok?" My brother Matt said as he handed me the coffee."um...yeah.yeah I'm fine thanks Matt." Even though he could be a pain,he still cared for me and I care for him.

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