the first night

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We sat at the dinner table and ate homemade pizza. No one talked for a while, then mum started a conversation"So...what do you think of the new house?" Mum asked. But nobody answered her, until dad said" Kids?" Dad asked us with a stern look on his face. We looked up at him then continued eating, dad sighed in disgust. "I guess its ok. But something happened in Matt's room today." I said finally.
As I went into my room and lay there in my bed, I think of the figure in the window. I couldn't forget it,I'm sure it was a ghost but something interrupted my thoughts. It was a tapping  noise on my wall, I sit up and it was coming from a dark corner in my bedroom. I looked even closer, and then I saw something move. It was tapping on the wall  and it looked like It had long claws and it had red eyes and it was looking at me. I screamed and I heard my door open and my parents turned on the light but the figure was gone. I couldn't get to sleep that night and the next and the next. I felt like it wants to hurt me. My parents just ignored me and my story from the first night, but Matt did believed me but he couldn't see them. I have this thing that comes from my dad's dad. I can see supernatural things like ghosts and stuff. I just tried to ignore it, but I couldn't. The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarn going off. I pressed the snooze button and yawned, "mum must be cooking backon and eggs." I said as I got out of bed. I walked downstairs and into the kitcken where dad was reading the newspaper and drinking coffee and mum was cooking breakfeast. Matt was already sitting at the table"So we have been looking at schools and we think we found a good school that will suit you. We have already done Matt's." Dad said not even taking his eyes off the article. I can't believe it, I move house's without a say and now I have to go to school."fine." I said with a tone in my voice.
"That's the spirit Chloe!" My dad cheered. I got a shiver when dad said 'spirit' it made me think of the figure I saw twice. I just sat down and as mum served my food the phone rang "I'll get it John." Mum said as dad got up to answer the phone, as mum went to the kitchen phone I thought it would be about me. "Oh I got to go now. Bye kids bye hon." Mum said as she got the car keys and went out the front door and drove off down the street.

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