Chapter 1

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Explosion. Blaring sirens. The high pitched shrieks of nearby people were startling. All I saw was a mess. My family. An unbearable sight that my mind couldn't comprehend what had officially happened. My little sister was hanging on my hand in tears. I crouched down holding her in my arms tight, cooing in her ear. Two people were put in body bags. Another two put in ambulances and I all but tripped over the police to see who it was. I couldn't tell. I yelled at them to let me go, we were family. I picked up Adelaide in my arms and carried her to the car where our babysitter had been waiting. I told her where we needed to go. She followed them as they rushed with that horrible sound I couldn't shake. Adelaide's breathing hastened. When we stopped, I opened her door pulling her out and into my arms, singing a soft lullaby to calm her. We rushed inside and were sent to several waiting rooms. We slept on the uncomfortable couches. In the morning, a doctor had led us out of the waiting room and into a hallway.


I woke up in a cold sweat, sitting up slowly to avoid the common head rush. I look at my phone checking the time.

6:03 AM

I quietly stumble into the bathroom in an attempt to not wake my boyfriend, Caleb. He worked really late the night before. I peeked back and saw him hilariously sprawled out on the bed.

I close the bathroom door softly and tilt my neck, seeing the gash in my collarbone. I trace over it begging the memory to not return. I put my phone down and turn on the sink to brush my teeth.

Bzz bzz

"Hello?" I picked up confused by the number.

"Hi! Is this Rosemary Evans?" A preppy voice questioned.

"Yes, this is she. Who is this?"

"Hello! This is Bethany Antoinette. I'm calling to offer you the position you applied for as a live-in housekeeper for the home of Dean Pierce."

I had lost my apartment recently, forced to move in with my boyfriend. So this job offer may just be the highlight of my entire week.

"Oh, yes I am still interested!"

"Wonderful. His main home will require constant maintenance and you may also be relocated to any of his other homes, if necessary. Base pay is twenty dollars an hour. You would get your own room and bathroom. How does that sound?" She marveled.

This is the best opportunity to take into my future. An easy job to save money while working on being a songwriter. My eyes fasten shut hearing mom's voice perform my song in memory.

"Are you still there?"

"Yes, this is amazing! Thank you so much for this opportunity. Do I need to go through a background check or anything? Tell me when and where!" I beamed.

"I'm delighted to hear that. We've already done the background check. We are located in Oakfield on Norwich Avenue. The biggest house at the end of the street. Can you be moved in by Friday? I'd love to have a few days to get you situated. Your official start date would be Monday."

"I think that can be arranged. Thank you again!" I cheered and did a little dance.

"Wonderful! Feel free to reach me at this number if you have any other inquiries." She hangs up.

I had the biggest smile on my face while swinging my arms in circles. I looked back into the mirror to push my red locks behind my ears when I saw Caleb in the reflection and jumped.

"Who was that?" He had his arms crossed and eyebrows raised.

"I got the live-in housekeeper job! It would be amazing to save money and submit some of my songs." I chimed, smiling so big it hurt my cheeks.

"That's awesome, when do you start?" He hugged me tightly.

"Well.. that's the thing." I tugged away. "I'd have to be moved in by Friday and it's an hour away. But we can spend the weekends together!"

He looked hurt. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it with a small smile.

"I am happy for you. I'm just going to miss hanging out with you every day." His voice croaked.

"This won't be forever. I promise. And maybe one day we can actually move in together. There are also better songwriting opportunities in Oakfield!" I assured, hugging my arms.

"You know I can't move away. I'm a social worker."

"You can get transferred!" I reached for his hand.

"No, Rosemary." He insisted, pushing my hand away. "My life is here. In Faybourne. My family is here. Everything I've ever known is here."

"I know... but," my hand retracts to my forehead.

"No buts. It's fine, I will be fine. You deserve this. You deserve to go after your dream. I love you."

"I love you too, Caleb. We can make this work."

We've only been together for four months. I wasn't sure I loved him the same way he loves me but he was perfect. The blonde mop on his head paired well with his ocean blue irises. His tan skin made his teeth sparkle like in the old cartoons.

"We will make this work. Now let's get something to eat and start packing."


Friday rolled around slower than I wanted it to. The intoxicating thought of my dreams becoming reality flooded me with exhilaration. Being stuck at home with no job and no purpose really isolated me.

"Do you want to take this?" Caleb snapped me out of my daze. He was holding an urn.

"Yes, just wrap it so it doesn't break." I gulped down the lump in my throat, clutching at my necklace. I got up and headed towards the kitchen. I cooked eggs and bacon for us to eat before the day went on.

"Thank you, my love. You always know the way to my heart." He said as he scarfed the food down quickly. I giggled.

"What?" He said with a mouthful.

"Nothing." I smiled. I will miss this. It wasn't how I pictured my life turning out but I was content. However, deep in my heart I yearned for more. But I would never admit it. Not to Caleb.

I started folding clothes and putting them in suitcases. Caleb was carrying stuff to the car then stopped and studied me.

"Do you want this?" His expression absent.

"Want what?" I was caught off guard.


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