Chapter 1

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I'm back!!! So here's the sequel I promised you, I hope you like it. I'm going to try to post at least once a week :) Anywhoo, please comment what you think and thank you for reading!


Eleven months later.

(Clove's POV)

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick Tock. Tick tock. I lay on my bed with my body sprawled across the mattress as my eyes focus on the hands of the clock and they glide along the roman numerals. Cato should've been here by now, where is he? The wedding is in a matter of days and we still have so much to do! I remember when he first proposed to me, exactly eleven months ago today. I still am weary on the true purpose of this proposal, after all I'm only sixteen and he's seventeen... It just doesn't seem like the right time. I know I love Cato with all my heart, there's no doubt. I just thought we'd wait a while, we have the rest of our lives ahead of us, so why rush it? We survived the odds and here I am, struggling to pick a dress that would look the most flattering on my pale ivory skin, the colour of napkins, the type of flowers and even my nail polish colour. I never thought making all of these little decisions would be so hard.

Since the games have ended, the time has flown by. The Capitol still has it out for Cato and I after we made them look like fools. Cato and I have had our ups and downs. The two of us can get pretty heated if an argument occurs, which is usually about the Capitol or something that happened in the games, but we always easily make up in a matter of seconds.

"Hey babe." Cato says as he brushes his lips across my cheeks.

"Hey, I didn't even hear you come in." I say, pushing myself up into a sitting position.

"I guess I'm sneaky." He smiles, cupping my face in his big callused hands, "What are you up to?"

"Well, I was waiting for you. I'm trying to pick between one of these wedding dresses! I can't decide what would look best!" I say, throwing the pictures of wedding dresses across the room.

"Hey, hey, hey. You'd look beautiful in all of them trust me, but stop worrying about the wedding. It's going to be perfect, just let Cianna pick out all the details and even the dress. I know I'm not really a fashion kind of guy, but she'll know best. Just trust me on that." He smiles, using his crooked charming smile that has always made me swoon. Sometimes I just don't understand how a girl like me, a monster, could end up with him. Cato has always been there for me, through the ups and the downs. Even at my lowest times. Since the games, Cato and I have been distraught. We both have our moments where we'll yell on the top of our lungs and run out of the house and deep into the woods, or throw knives or swords at anyone who startles us. The games have changed us, formed us into entirely different people. Sometimes, I wish we hadn't made it out alive. Does that really sound so bad? I almost miss believing that killing people was good, a shameless act to show pride for our district. Now, the guilt consumes me every single day after day, after day. It just never ends.

"Awh thanks, Cato. I love you so much. I can't wait to be able to call you my husband!" I smile, pulling him in for a kiss.

"And I can't wait to call you my wife." He smiles, kissing me slowly and softly, my favourite. Wife. I'm going to be his wife, in a matter of days. Woah.

"Do you guys ever stop kissing?!" Trevor exclaims, pushing the door open as he shields his eyes.

"Oh grow up you're thirteen!" I yell, throwing a pillow at him, "get out, I told you when the door is closed, don't come in."

"Damn, I should've remembered after the last time I walked in on you two 'making love'. You never know what you're going to see, so gross-" he begins as Cato cuts him off.

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