Chapter 3

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(Cato's POV)

"Okay, so good news or bad news first?" Enobaria chuckles as she walks into the living room. Her black leather jumpsuit hugged her body tight as if a second skin. Her hair was slicked up into a high ponytail.

"Bad news." I mutter as my fingernails dig into my palms. This was a bad habit, it helps calm me down when I get nervous.

"Okay... Bad news is that the rest of the engagement tour is cancelled after that whole chaotic mess happened in twelve." Enobaria says as she picks up a panflet about the Hunger Games. She kicks her feet up on the coffee table and assumes into a relaxing position.

"With anything I think that's the good news." Clove spits out and I chuckle. Her little body was wearing a pair of black leggings that hugged her curves with a grey knit turtle kneck on top. Her feet were moving nervously cause faint clicks from the zippers of her little beige boots.

"Okay, that's not that bad!" I smile and pat Clove's shoulder as she looks up from biting her lip.

"And the good news is that the wedding is still on. They moved it up to tomorrow since the rest of the tour dates got cancelled. So enjoy this day off." She smiles and then makes eye contact with me, "I'm surprised they're letting the wedding go on still to be honest, I thought for sure they wouldn't allow it. But I guess not, maybe Snow's had a change of heart."

"And that's the bad news." Clove whispers under her breath, just loud enough for me to hear.

"What are you saying?" I ask as a wave of confusion waves over me.

"Nothing." She mutters and crosses her arms over her stomach. Enobaria's eyes widen as she senses the upcoming awkward situation.

"Enobaria, can you give us a minute?" I ask, desperation must've been shining through my eyes. Why doesn't she want to marry me?

"Yeah, yeah for sure." Enobaria says awkwardly as she gathers her things and does an awkward combination of shuffling and walking out the door.

"So why don't you want to marry me?" I ask, turning my body so I face her head on. Her head was turned away from me.

"Please, Cato don't-" She says, I can see the waterfalls forming in her sapphire eyes. All I can do is wondering what is wrong? What did I do?

"No, we have to talk about this. The wedding is tomorrow, Clove!" I say, turning her chin to face my gaze. A tear slips from the corner of her eye as she tries to shy away from me. I don't let her out of my grasp. "Please, just tell me."

"No, I can't." She sighs.

"And why not?" I ask, she cringes as she hears the frustration coming out of my voice.

"Because I don't really have an answer, or a specific one." She explains as she stands up from the couch. She begins to pace back and forth in front of me, desperately searching for words. "I just, I'm not ready. I love you, Cato. Trust me on that, but I'm only sixteen years old. I should be stressing about algebra homework, not stressing about getting married. I'm young, I'm immature, I'm scared, I'm still trying to figure myself out-"

"Please don't tell me this is they part where you say 'it's not you, Cato it's me.'" I say mockingly in a high pitch girl voice to attempt to lighten the room. I failed.

"No, Cato. I'm not breaking up with you, you idiot!" She barks as she throws a pillow in my direction, I dodge.

"Then what is it, are you on your period or something? You're mood swings at the moment are taking me on a freaking roller coaster ride and right now you're taking me down really low-"

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