Chapter 4

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(Clove's POV)

"So are we just going to sit here and pretend like nothing just happened?" Cato says, rubbing this hands against his face in anger. His body was shaking.

"Cato, there's so many tributes that have won from district two. The odds of us being picked, its unthinkable-" I begin before getting cut off by Enobaria.

Beads of sweat are pouring down from her hairline as she begins panting, "I got a warning from someone from the Capitol... Snow he changed the conditions of the tributes for the Quarter Quell." She places her hand on Cato's shoulders and giving him a reassuring pat.

"So what does that mean exactly?" Cato asks, he grabs my hand and strokes the back of my palm reassuringly. Just as he says that the familiar anthem of Panem begins and our TV screen lights. President Snow's face stares deep into our souls.

"Well... we're about to find out." I mutter and cross my arms.

President Snow's cold face illuminates the screen on the TV set on the mantel.  I slowly draw my hands to my knees, leaning forward curiously.  What is going on?  Cato tenses beside me, the room is so quiet you could here a pin drop.  "Greetings again, my apologies the last announcement was cut short due to a wrinkle in the production.  I assure you that will not happen again.  I wanted to formerly demand that all remaining victors, and their loved ones make their way to the Capitol immediately.  The reaping for the third Quarter Quell has been rescheduled until tomorrow at the Mansion, here in the Capitol.  Victors, think long and hard about who you decide to bring back to life, as that piece just might cause you to lose the games.  I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow. May the odds be even in your favour.

Stunned, I blankly look at Enobaria for reassurance.  No luck, she is just as shocked as I am.  "So how many victors does District 2 have?" I ask.

"For the males, there's 10 that are alive.  Females, six..." her voice trails off, shakily.  I've never seen fear register on Enobaria's face until now.  "Look, do you have any idea who you two would bring back? You have to be prepared, just in case. And surely, neither of you better not volunteer tomorrow."

"Obviously we won't volunteer." Cato spits out in a hostile tone, I can hardly recognize the look of disgust on his face.

"Katniss and Peeta." I say.

"Absolutely not-" Cato shouts, I cut him off.

"Oh year? Who else then, name two other tributes that you would know that would help us." I spit out, I cross my arms over my chest and get up from where I was seated.

"Clove we killed them.  You'd be stupid to pick them."  He responds.

"Stupid? You're really going to go there, that's low even for you." My voice begins to shake, my body trembling in anger.

"She's right you know, Cato.  Katniss and Peeta, they'd help you.  They would have been in the same position you guys were in if it was the other way around.  They both could have won together."  Enobaria states, she gets up and puts her arm around me comfortingly.

"No, we killed them.  You guys are being delusional.  We'd be the first on their kill list. Plus, they wouldn't have made it out together, one of them would have died."  Cato says, I can hear the anger raising in his voice as his fists grip the velvet from the couch.

"Yes they would have."  I hear a soft voice coming from the door, when I look up I see Prim.  She emerges from the dark shadows behind the door as she enters the room.  "Peeta loved Katniss, he would have never let her die."

"Exactly, he would have died for her-" Cato begins.

"Let me finish," Prim says firmly.  "Katniss loved him too, I don't know in what way but she never would have left that arena without him."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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