My Brothers Best Friend

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Title: My Brothers Best Friend

Author: Clare @Polariod1989

Summary: Jake and Clare have always been close of sorts. Josh was Clare's brother and Jake was his best friend. Therefore intertwining the lives of Clare and Jake... growing up Jake teases Clare but underneath there both hiding feeling follow them as they uncover each other and what it means to love. Especially when its your brothers annoying best friend

"Do you love me?" I whispered not sure if I wanted the response. I mean he's kinda said it before but hearing it just me and him alone. No one to persuade us, no other motives. His eyes shone in the light. Ugh so breathtaking why can't he be ugly!!!!

"Yes" he whispered. "Yes" he exclaimed more confidently as if discovering it for the first time. "Clare I fucking love you" I looked at my hands. Should I say it back!?!? Screw this I'm going to say how I feel for once.

"I love you too" I whispered his fingers stroked along my face.

"Is their hope for us?" He questioned weekly his voice breaking knowing he was dreading the answer.

"Where there is love there is always hope" I smirked and he shook his head. "What?" I giggled

"philosophical much?" I laughed. "But hey I think your right" his fingers held my face as his thumbs stroked my cheek. "Can I kiss you?" I responded by moving closer leaving my lips inches from his....

Genres: Romance

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