Chapter Five

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Disclaimer: I do not own Les Miserables or Harry Potter.


When Sirius arrived at the trial the next day, it had already started. He noticed that his cousin Bellatrix and her husband Rodolphus were there, presumably to identify the defendant as him. As he laid eyes on the defendant, Sirius realized that the defendant did look a little bit like him. The Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge himself was there. 

After both witnesses had testified, Sirius turned to the minister. 

"Minister, may I address the court?" 

"Um, yes, Mr. White," Fudge said, slightly surprised the factory owner had turned up. He'd known that man was a wizard, but he hadn't expected him at the trial. 

Sirius got up and walked over to Bellatrix.  

"Do you know who I am?" 

Bellatrix stared at him. 

"I know who you are," Sirius continued. "You're Bellatrix Lestrange. That's your husband, Rodolphus." 

"How do you know that?" she asked. 

Sirius ignored her. 

"The two of you were imprisoned in Azkaban for torturing Frank and Alice Longbottom until they lost their minds. Bellatrix, you were in the cell directly across from Sirius Black's," Sirius said, disregarding the shocked looks he was receiving. He turned to Fudge. 

"I know them. Bellatrix is my cousin. I'm Sirius Black." 

"I knew it!" Snape cried, but he was the only one to speak. Everyone else appeared to be in shock.  

"Mr. White, I know you have a big heart--" Fudge began. 

"I can prove it!" Sirius said. He removed his robes and lifted his shirt to reveal the number '24601'. "I'm Prisoner 24601!" 

There was silence in the court room. No one, not even Snape, was moving.  

"Go ahead and discuss it," Sirius said. "You'll find that I am indeed Sirius Black." 

He exited the court room.


Lily's life was coming to an end. Everyone knew it. It didn't help that people who worked at the hospital couldn't figure out what she had. 

"She thinks you have her daughter," one member of the hospital staff told Sirius quietly when he arrived. "She's been going on about her daughter for ages." 

Sirius knelt next to Lily's bed. 

"Lily, our time is running short," he said.  

"Mr....White..."Lily gasped. "I...I won't make'll tell her I love her, won't you?" 

Sirius nodded. 

"Yes, of course I will." 

"'ll raise...her, right?" 

"Yes, I promise." 

"Thank you. I...can peace." 

"May you be at peace," Sirius said. Lily was dying, and he didn't know what else to say. 

With the last of her strength left, Lily smiled at him. Her eyes closed, and she took her last breath. Her body went limp.  

She was dead; Lily would no longer suffer. 

When Snape entered the room carrying a warrant for Sirius's arrest, it came as no surprise to Sirius. Snape pointed a wand at him.  

"At last, Black, we see each other," Snape breathed. 

"Snape, before you arrest me, please listen. There's something I must do," Sirius said. He gestured to Lily's body. "This woman leaves behind a suffering child. I'm the only one who can interfere; she has no other friends or relatives. Please, I only need three days at the most." 

Snape sneered. 

"I'm not stupid! I know just what you're up to! Men like you never change, 24601!" 

"Believe whatever you want about me," Sirius said shortly. "You don't know anything about me." 

"I was born with nothing!" Snape said in an angry tone. "I was very poor, and my father-"Snape cut himself off before he told Sirius Black, of all people, about his father. "It isn't that fact that one has nothing, it's the choices you make." 

"Snape, I'm warning you," Sirius said, pulling out his wand. "I will do what must be done. If that means attacking you, then so be it." 



The jet of red light rebounded, hitting Snape instead, causing Snape's wand to fly out of his hand. Sirius sprinted over to Lily's bed, and grabbed her cold, dead hand.  

"I promise you this," he whispered. "Your child will live in my care, and I will raise her to the light." 

Snape was blocking the exit, and holding his wand, having retrieved it. 

"There will be nowhere for you to hide. Wherever you are, I will be there," he said. 

"Stupefy!" Sirius cried. The jet of red light hit Snape, stunning him. Sirius disapparated with a loud crack.

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