Chapter seven

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Les Miserables.


                                                                      Nine years later

Things at Hogwarts were steadily getting worse.

Of course, with Voldemort so powerful, things were bound to get worse. Harry was aware of that fact. Slytherin students using Dark Magic was not uncommon, and Harry was pretty sure some had already joined Voldemort. He felt it was only a matter of time before they actually took over the school. Hermione had felt this way, too, and had formed Dumbledore's Army, (named after their former headmaster) to prepare students to fight back.

But today was a Hogsmeade visit, and visiting the village was always fun, whether Voldemort was taking over everywhere or not.

"Hey, Harry," a black-haired girl said, joining him while he walked down a street in Hogsmeade.

"Hey, Cho," he responded.

"You know, Harry, they say Kingsley Shacklebolt has little more than a week left at the most," Cho said.

"A week?"

"Yes, that's what everyone's saying."

"How do you know all this stuff, Cho?"

"I know things, Harry, I was once a student, too," Cho said. It was true. Cho had been a Ravenclaw, while her brother Draco had been a Slytherin, but their parents had pulled them out of Hogwarts. (apparently for monetary reasons, although Harry wasn't sure he believed this) They now lived in Hogsmeade.

"Cho, the things you know wouldn't be found in schoolbooks," Harry said. "When Kingsley passes, it'll be a real blow to us—the D.A., I mean—he's the only one in the Ministry who has any compassion for the poor and those who aren't pure-blood."

"Things just keep getting worse and worse," Cho noted.

"Things will get better. Voldemort won't stay in power forever," Harry said.

Cho didn't look like she believed that, but she didn't say anything.

"Hi, Harry!"

Harry turned around, and saw the Creevey brothers running towards him.

"Hello, Colin, hello Dennis."

"Harry—the next D.A. meeting starts in about half an hour—you didn't forget, did you?" Colin said eagerly.

"Oh—right, thanks, Colin," Harry said. At that moment, a teenage girl with fiery red hair walked out of a shop with a middle-aged man. Harry's stomach jolted. It was Ginny.

Harry had sometimes seen Ginny up at the school, usually hanging out with Hermione and Luna Lovegood. Luna always spoke highly of Ginny; Harry knew that Ginny was very kind, since she never made fun of Luna for her uniqueness. In fact, if someone did make fun of Luna and Ginny heard, Ginny would immediately leap to Luna's defense; Harry had seen it happen before.

According to Hermione, Ginny was homeschooled despite living in Hogsmeade. However, Hermione admitted she didn't know Ginny's address when Harry asked, since Ginny always came up to the school to see Hermione and Luna.

"Oh, no."

Cho's voice cut into Harry's thoughts about Ginny. He followed Cho's gaze, and spotted Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy and their son Draco leading a small group of people. Lucius, Narcissa and Draco were approaching Ginny and the middle-aged man, whom Harry assumed to be Ginny's father.

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