Chapter two

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6 years later

I walked into my small, one bedroom apartment and kicked off my shoes. I threw my keys, phone and wallet down on the counter before heading towards my bathroom to take a quick shower.

Standing under the warm waterfall of water, I lathered the shampoo into my faded black hair. I quit dying my hair after The GazettE disbanded. I sighed. I miss The Gazette. No, I miss the members. I haven't spoken to them much and much to my dismay we lost contact with each other over the years. I especially missed Akira. After the shampoo was rinsed out of my hair, I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. I got dressed into something comfy and fixed my hair. I looked in the mirror, rolling my eyes. I was never really satisfied with how I look.

I walked into my room and sat on my bed. I pulled my laptop from underneath the bed and logged onto YouTube. I searched up past GazettE lives and smiled to myself watching the videos. I've been doing this a lot lately. I've been missing him lately. Memories, videos and photos are all that is left of us.

I decided to check out our old photos and walked over to my closet. I pulled a box down from the top shelf, labeled GazettE memories. The first photo I pulled out of the box was a photo of me and Yuu. I was standing beside the tall male holding my fingers up in a peace sign smiling, while Yuu had his arm around me also smiling. The next photo I blindly drew from the box was one of me and Akira. My face in the photo showed a shocked expression as Reita kissed my cheek. I started to tear up. I have been in love with him for so long then all of a sudden we stopped talking before I had the chance to admit my feelings to him. I tried calling him, skyping him and messaging him over Facebook, but nothing. All connections I had towards him have been cut off.

Laying in bed that night trying to sleep, I twisted and turned. No matter how tired I was, my mind kept going back to Akira. Memories started to flash through my mind like an old camera taking several pictures.

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