Chapter three - memories

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Italics- memories
Non-italics - normal POV.

I was walking to the local coffee shop ten minutes down the road from where I live. It was a rainy day and I was getting soaked. It probably wasn't a good idea for me to walk in such weather, but I didn't care. I just wanted my coffee. I arrived at the place and pulled open the door in front me. I walked in and took my place in the line up. Usually this coffee shop isn't  as busy, but for some reason today it was. I walked up to the counter and smiled at the little old lady before ordering a latte. "That will be $3, please" I smiled and dug around in my pocket for the change. "I got it," I turned around to see Reita hand the change to the lady. "You didn't have to pay for that," I playfully argued. He chuckled, "yes I did, you were holding up the line." I looked behind him to see several other customers lined up and felt a small blush invade my cheeks. "Oops," him and I laughed as I was  handed the hot latte. "Arigato," I smiled at the lady before walking past Reita. "Arigato, Reita-San," he smiled at me, "no problem."

I stared up at the ceiling of my room as the tears began falling from my eyes.

I walked into the meeting room at the PS company and was greeted by an angry looking Reita. "I'm mad at you, Takanori." I frowned. He doesn't use my real name unless he is serious. "Because," really? That was his reply? I rolled my eyes and began to walk away when I felt an arm tug me back and suddenly I was greeted by Reitas chest. "You haven't gave me a hug today," I groaned. "Seriously, man?" I looked up at him and saw that he was pulling a puppy dog face and pouted, "I missed you." I felt my gaze soften and I sighed, hugging him back. I couldn't stay mad at him..

I sat up in my bed and wiped away the remaining tears in my eyes with the back of my shaking hand. I leaned over and picked up the photo off the floor and stared at it. With more tears falling from my eyes, I whispered, "Where are you now?"

Where are you now? (A reituki short story)Where stories live. Discover now