A Typical Christmas Eve

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7:00 pm – Eight year old child kisses his parents goodnight. Gets into bed, covers up.

7:01 pm – Stares excitedly at ceiling, wide awake.

7:54 pm – After repeated attempts to fall asleep, child then imagines the surprised faces of all the family members opening the gifts which the child picked out for them.

-mom's delighted expression on opening the pretty towels.

-dad's pleased smile at the leather belt.

-brother's whoop of joy on seeing his bucket of army men.

-sister's giddy squeal when she gets her tea set.

8:07 pm – child then tries to guess all the contents of the gifts that will be given to him, based on the shape seen in wrapping paper.

8:32 pm – child imagines building a snowman.

8:49 pm – child anxiously tosses and turns in anticipation.

9:07 pm – child feels too warm, and tosses off the covers.

9:13 pm – feels cold, and bundles back up in covers.

10:17 pm - child closes eyes tight, trying to fall asleep.

10:39 pm – finally falls into a light slumber.

1:18 am – wakes up, stares at the digital clock by his bead.

1:19 am – wills time to move faster.

1:20 am – realizes he has no control over temporal reality

1:24 am – reimagines all the family members opening their gifts and gets very excited.

1:58 am – daydreams about taking Santa's sleigh for a spin.

2:20 am – stars at the digital clock again.

2:22 am – realizes that staring at the clock makes time go slower.

2:23 am – daydreams about being a wise man, and bringing baby Jesus a toy truck.

2:43 am – imagines how pretty the lights on the tree will be in the early morning.

2:59 am – closes eyes in attempt to fall asleep.

3:03 am – opens eyes and imagines joyously tearing the wrapping paper off his gifts.

3:30 am – takes a peak at the digital clock, and sees there is hope yet for the coming of Christmas morn.

3:56 am – Giggles when remembering the funny parts of the Christmas play he saw a few nights before.

4:14 am – Stomach growls on thinking of the sweet cinnamon buns and rich cocoa he would have for Christmas morning.

4:37 am – Once again imagines giving his gifts to family members.

4:59 am – gasps in delight, realizing it is almost the one hour countdown.

5:00 am – gasps in delight again.

5:03 am – stares at the digital clock.

5:07 am – remembers not to stare at the digital clock.

5:11 am – can't help but stare at the digital clock.

5:17 am – says a prayer for his grandparents, who live far away.

5:25 am – hugs his pillow in great anticipation.

5:39 am – Finds that he can't tear his eyes away from the clock.

5:50 am – sits up to wait the agonizing last minutes.

5:58 am – on his mark...

5:59 am – gets set...

6:00 am – It's time.

- Child hurries with a grin to his parent's room, to awake them from sleep to enjoy the long awaited Christmas morning.

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