Thornn's Christmas

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Four nimble paws alighted atop the tall blue fence. Thornn surveyed the yard proudly, basking in the glorious serenity of her kingdom. In her mouth she carried a plump mouse, freshly caught from the nearby fields. Her tail swished confidently, as she entered her domain, approaching the front door to her Keepers' house. They would call themselves her 'owners,' but Thornn knew better than that. It was more of a symbiotic relationship – she provided them with love and companionship, and in turn they provided her with food, water, shelter, and a true home. The only downside was that they insisted on calling her Whiskers, or sometimes the nickname of "Muffins" - which was a travesty of the highest order. But, she didn't hold it against them. There was no way they could know her true name, as humans had never efficiently cracked the code of feline language.

Thornn purred loudly, as she dropped the mouse on her Keepers' welcome mat. She was excited to give them a gift – after all, it was Christmas Eve! Every year, Papa opened a can of her favorite meaty cat food as a way to celebrate the holidays. Her normal diet consisted of dry cat food – which was sufficient, but never as tasty as the contents of that moist delicacy. She was actually thankful they only gave it to her on special days – it made it that much more special and thrilling.

As Thornn waited patiently by the front door, she began to lick her grey and white striped fur, which was matted from her ventures in the field. She was glad she had been able to find some prey, as the cold had kept many of the rodents underground as of late. Also, there were some new neighbors who let their dogs run free at times, making her outings a little more dangerous than usual. No matter though – Thornn was quite confident in her stealth and ability to outrun any threat.

The front door opened, and flooded the porch with a multi-colored glow. Thronn's eyes widened in awe, as she beheld the Tree of Colors inside the house. She looked forward to seeing it every year, and yearning to climb its glorious branches. She wasn't allowed inside the house, however, but that didn't stop her from dreaming. She had heard legends of so called "house cats," who were allowed to live within the inner sanctum of the humans, and wondered what sort of life that would be like. She knew her place was in the yard, however, and felt pride in protecting it.

The door closed, as Mama walked outside with a smile. "Hey Whiskers!" She said in the typical high-pitched voice her keepers used in addressing her. It was a pleasing sound, full of adoration. Thornn purred louder, and welcomed the hand that lovingly scratched behind her ears. A moment later, Mama noticed the gift Thornn had so cunningly caught for her, and the human's eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh...I see you left us a little present," said Mama, with a nervous chuckle.

Thornn beamed with pride.

Mama had a cup in her hand, which she promptly poured into the nearby cat dish – her afternoon meal of dry cat food. Thorn attacked it with vigor. She was quite hungry from her hunt. Sometimes she was able to find two mice, and have one as a snack before dinner – but today she had no such luck. No matter though – it had been worth it to save the mouse as an expression of her love.

As she ate the crunchy morsels, Mama went inside and retrieved a dust pan, which she used to scoop up the mouse, and disappear into the back yard.

"Do you know what they do with it?" said an old, crackly voice. "When your Keeper takes the mouse to the back yard?"

Thorn turned and saw Whisp, the elderly tom cat, sitting atop the part of her fence that separated their yards.

"It is in my nature to give them such gifts," said Thornn. "It doesn't matter what they do with it. As long as they see the meaning behind the gift."

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