11. Aftermath (1)

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The right side of Joe's head hit the ground with a heavy thump, causing his head to go dizzy and for his eyes to go out of focus for a moment. He could feel the screaming pain as the skin ripped open, something on the ground carving a deep cut into the right side of his skull. The 999 operator was yelling into the phone, but all Joe could do was cry loudly and listen to the chaos going on around him. 

"Please," He heard a familiar voice choke out. She was crying almost as much as Joe was, hiccuping on her sobs and hyperventilating, arms still tight around her younger brother's waist. "Somebody had a gun and shot it, please please,"

Joe laid his head on the ground, feeling the blood run down his face rapidly. He looked up at the sky, eyes glassy as he listened to the screams and the loud thumps of feets running away. He didn't know if the danger was still there, but he felt his body shake hard with hard cries, shutting his eyes and wishing for it to stop. 

"Please!" Zoe wailed into the phone, putting her head on Joe's shoulder and sobbing hard. "These are the people I love, please!"


"He had a pretty hard hit to the side of his head, he's lucky if he doesn't have any brain damage," The doctor was saying, glancing over at the boy on the bed with a bloody bandage wrapped around his head. "He's going to be unstable for a while though; won't be able to walk properly, his vision may be a little wack for a while. We're hooking him up to an I.V to make sure he has plenty of water. Also, he may want to be careful of how much food he consumes, just to be safe. I would say about maybe one and half meals until his head stops hurting. Also, we're going to be putting him on pain killers that are very heavy to make the pain subside. Like I said before, he's going to be a little out of it. He may not remember some things, it's just a small side affect. He's also bed-ridden and not allowed to walk because he may trip and break something. I also noticed some old scars and some dis-colored skin that suggested terrible bruising around his hips, so when he's better I can get him some cream to clear that up if you want."

"What scars and bruises?"

The doctor looked away from the boy and at his father. "Sort of like deep fingernail cuts. He also had them on his inner thigh. You're his father, have you ever noticed him limping, or something?"

"No," He said, staring at the doctor in disbelief. "If he did, he had a great job of hiding it."

The doctor started to write some things down onto her clipboard, eyesbrows creasing. "Has your son engaged in sexual activities before?"

"Not that I know of. He did date somebody when he was in year nine; name was Jason or something like that."

"Well, the cuts and scars were definitely not new, and the discoloring of skin is fairly odd since bruises heal..."

"Joe's always had sensitive skin."

"Hm.." There was scribbling on the paper. "When he dated that boy, did you ever notice anything odd going on with your son's behavior?"

Graham brought a hand to his chin, stroking it. "Well his grades were kind of weird. Always dropping and then raising up randomly. They were always over at his house hanging out, too. Maybe I should've ask if his parents were home..."

More writing. "Did he ever isolate himself?"

"He wouldn't tell me much, especially if it had to do with his boyfriend. I always thought I was just asking too many questions..."

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