5. I Promise

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Jimin rushed through the lobby of Yoongi's building, running up the stairs, and sprinting to the window at the end of the hall. He located Yoongi's spare key, how many can one guy have, geez, and rushed back to the door of the elder's apartment. He opened the door, shoving the key in his pocket, closing the door and slowly entering the elder's home.

"Yoongi? Yoongi, where are you?" Jimin called receiving no response. He rushed to check the bedroom, finding nothing to help him find his hyung. He then rushed to the bathroom and the kitchen, both rooms producing the same result. Jimin found himself rushing to the one place he hadn't looked yet, stopping dead in his tracks. Yoongi was passed out on the den floor, drenched in sweat and face screwed up in a painful expression. His phone looked as though it slid out of his hand as it began to ring, and all in all he looked pretty shitty, but the worst part was the colorful, grotesque bruise peeking out of his shirt collar. Jimin knelt next to Yoongi, gently tapping the elder's cheeks in fear of causing him anymore pain.

"Yoongi, c'mon, you gotta wake up for me," Jimin pleaded with Yoongi's lifeless form, slowly getting louder in attempts to stir him. "Yoongi! Wake the fuck up you asshat!" Jimin yelled in the elder's face, sighing in relief as he watched him begin to speak.

"Hi Jiminnie," Yoongi whispered, followed by a whimper.

"Hey, hey, you're okay. I'm here now, there's no reason to worry." Jimin ran his fingers through the elder's hair, admiring the softness from the obviously excessively bleached locks. "I'm gonna call an ambulance, okay? Unless you'd rather I take you in a car, if we can get there."

"I- I," Yoongi stammered in fear, making Jimin work hard to soothe him. "Ambulances remind me of..."

"The accident?" Jimin asked quietly, continuing to play with his hair. Yoongi nodded, his good hand seeking out something of Jimin to clutch to, finding his arm. Yoongi tried his hardest and managed to pull himself into a sitting position before crying out in pain and collapsing onto Jimin's chest panting, his right arm cradling his left arm. Tears were constantly streaming down his cheeks, his face still twisted in pain.

"Yoongi, I'm sorry, but I have to call an ambulance. You at least broke your collarbone, and there's no way you can make it to the car," the elder whimpered at Jimin's words. "I know you're scared, and I know you're hurt, but this time it's different, okay? This time I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. I promise you. I'll see if I can ride with you this time too. They might let me, you aren't dying, just hurt." Yoongi nodded along to Jimin's words, clutching his arm to his person and wishing it would just stop hurting. Yoongi ignored the younger as he called an ambulance, up until he started prodding his cheek.

"Yoongi, they want me to see if I can see a 'tent-like' shape of your bone. It'll let them know how bad it is. So I'm just gonna shift the collar of your shirt, okay?" Jimin carefully hooked his fingers under the thin fabric, trying his best to avoid touching the enraged area. "There's definitely a tent. And it looks really swollen and the bruise is the size of my hand. But the bone isn't sticking out or anything." Jimin let go of the elder's shirt and began combing through his hair again. The elder leaned into his touch, finding the gesture more comforting than any words. He was almost ready to fall asleep on Jimin's chest, ignoring the pain radiating from his deformed collarbone, when his phone rang again.

"It's Namjoon, do you want me to talk to him now or later?" Jimin asked, keeping his voice soft and not stopping playing with Yoongi's hair.

"Do it now, he's probably really worried," Yoongi breathed out, biting his lip as another severe wave of pain spread through his body. Jimin nodded, accepting the call and putting it on speaker.

"Oh my god Yoongi! What have you been doing that you can't answer?! You can't call me like that and leave a voicemail and not answer your phone! I've been so worried-"

"Namjoon, Yoongi broke his collarbone. He's been passed out. We're waiting for an ambulance to come, meet us at the hospital."

"We?" Namjoon asked, concerned who the third party member could be.

"Joonie, that's Jimin," Yoongi spoke through gritted teeth, trying his hardest not to cry out in pain again.

"Namjoon, we gotta go. The paramedics should be-" he was interrupted by urgent knocking on the door, "they're here. I'll see you soon." Jimin quickly hung up and called out "It's open!" to the paramedics, who entered the house. The two men surveyed Jimin and Yoongi, raising their eyebrows in confusion as they readied the gurney.

"He hates ambulances, he was in a really bad car accident when he was younger and has never liked them since. Also, please be careful, he's blind." The paramedics nodded, lifting Yoongi onto the stretcher and securing him in. "Can I ride along?" Jimin asked hopefully, already noticing the panicked look on Yoongi's face. One of the paramedics also noticed and nodded at the younger who ran to grab Yoongi a pair of shoes and a jacket, grabbing his wallet in hopes that his insurance card would be in it. He forgot, however, to grab the hanging cane. Like he had said before, Jimin didn't always remember Yoongi was blind.

Jimin was sat to Yoongi's right, and watched as the elder stuck out his hand. Jimin placed his hand in Yoongi's delicately as to not scare the elder, however Yoongi soon held Jimin's poor hand in a death grip. "I told you a hate ambulances-" Yoongi's mutters were cut off by a sharp intake of breath as they hit a bump and his shoulder moved. The paramedic looked at Jimin helplessly.

"Look kid, there's nothing we can do about the bumps, so the ride is gonna hurt like hell. Do you think you can make it, or should we sedate you?" Yoongi shook his head.

"I'd rather stay fully conscious, thanks." Yoongi murmured, wincing as they hit another large bump. Jimin lightly squeezed his hyung's hand, a silent gesture to let him know he was alright. The ride passed rather quickly, with Yoongi being carted off into a room to be treated and Jimin sitting in the lobby with his eyes close, wondering how Yoongi was doing. He was brought back to the real world by someone sitting next to him.

"So you're Jimin, Yoongi's boyfriend."

// Namjoon that is rude to do to someone God man learn some manners. Yay double update yay! Don't get used to this, I didn't actually want to do my project or anything remotely productive. I did get my Swedish friend to listen to BTS though, I feel accomplished. Well , I'm going to bed, good night babes!
Love you loads! \\

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