Chapter 4

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Yuu flopped down his bed as he let out a sigh. He was very tired; he just got back from the cake shop. His droopy eyes were about to close when he remembered about his online friend -BlondVamp-. He wanted to talk to him. He wanted to read his messages.

He jumped out of his bed and immediately reached out to his pocket to grab his phone.


His phone wasn't there.

Yuu then took his bag, hoping he had placed his phone inside.


It wasn't there, either. Curses escaped from the young teen's lips as he violently pulls the blankets off his bed, aggressively throws all the things inside his bag and furiously strips himself in order to find his phone. But all of these lead to nothing.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY FUCKING GOD! WHERE IN THE FUCKING HELL DID I PLACE IT?!" Yelled Yuu, rummaging the cabinets. The only thing that is covering him is his pants. His sweat kept on trickling down his body, but he doesn't wipe it off. He doesn't care. What he cares about is his friend.

'Oh my god. Don't tell me I left it at the shop.' His eyes widen in realization, he cringed as he remembered how he placed his cellphone on top of the table they were at.

He went to grab his shirt but was stopped when he heared someone knocking at the door. This made the teen grumble as he made his way towards the door. His eyebrows were furrowed, 'who could that be?'

Yuu opened the door and there he saw his new neighbor, Mika, holding something which looked like his lost phone. He doesn't look at Mika, but gazed at his phone instead as his face slowly changes into a happy one.

"Ah, Yuu!" The blond said, smiling warmly at his new friend. He held the phone in front, signaling the other one to get it. "You forgot your phone at the cake shop. Good thing I'm the one who saw it while I was cleaning up." Mikaela stretched his arms out for Yuuichiro to reach his phone, in which the raven did.

"Oh my fucking god!" He held his dear phone near his chest, "Thank you so much for bringing it back! I was looking all over for this!" He grins cheerfully.

Mikaela only smiled at the teen. "Haha something important must be in there." He pointed at the phone.

"Uh... Yes. This phone is really important for me." He grins back, "Would you like to come in? I'm about to prepare dinner. You're welcome to eat here as thanks for returning my phone." He stated.

A very, very light pink dust emerged from the blond's pale cheeks. His smile softened as he nodded, "That is very nice of you. This will also help us in getting to know each other." Mikaela stepped back a bit, "But, I'll be right back. I left my phone in my room. Haha I was thinking of returning your phone and coming back right after."

Yuuichiro chuckled, "that's alright. I'll wait for you then."

"Yes. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll just get my phone."
|Yuchiro|: Hey! I'm sorry for taking too long. How was your day?

-BlondVamp-: Ah! Haha that's fine. I just got on my phone also. My day was great. I met some new friends :D

|Yuchiro|: That's great! Actually, I just met a new friend, too.

-BlondVamp-: That's cool xD oh btw I'm eating at my friend's place so I might not be able to talk to you much tonight. Will that be okay?

|Yuchiro|: It's fine! I'll be doing something, too, tonight :)

-BlondVamp-: Thanks. Oh I'll be leaving now. Chat ya laterrrr :3

|Yuchiro|: Yeah, take care :D
"I'm not really good at school. I mean, I sometimes fail my exams." Yuuichiro chuckled at his own statement. The other teen only laughed in return. "How about you, Mika?"

The blond settled himself first before replying, "uhh... You can say I've gotten the hang of it."

"What? What do you mean?"

"I mean, I do get several 100% in my exams..."

This caused Yuu to jolt up from his seat, "What?! I can't even get pass 50!" He clutched his head in frustration as Mikaela tried to calm his friend down, "I'm pathetic..."

The blond let out a nervous laugh and reached out to pat Yuu's shoulder. "That's alright... It's never too late to change. All you have to do is study!"

"That's the point!" Yuu said, looking up at Mika.

"Uhh... What point?"

"Urrgghh... I don't like studying. I'm too lazy to do that." Sighing, the raven laid his back onto the chair.

Mikaela only smiled, "I can help you."

"In what manner?"

Rolling his eyes, the sighing Mika answered, "by tutoring you, of course."


"You'll get free cakes everytime I tutor you."

"Is that true?"

"Of course it is."



This made Yuu pause for a minute. He imagined what would happen if Mika would tutor him. Yes, his grades might become higher but he will lose his precious time with -BlondVamp-. That's the only thing that had been stopping him from the start. But then he thought, would -BlondVamp- be happy knowing his failing grades? His friend would also say what is best for him.

So, he looked at Mika and nodded, "Fine. I'll accept it." He looked away, his cheeks now covered in pink dust.

This made Mika grin, "haha there we go. Wanna start this saturday afternoon? I'm free every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday afternoons but I'm free the whole day when it's Sunday."

"Fine for me."
It's time for Mika to go back to his own room. Yuuichiro walked with him at the door. Talking with him wasn't bad. He enjoyed the night with Mikaela, but the thought of his online friend did not escape his mind. He was itching to chat with him.

"Thank you for the meal, Yuu. I enjoyed it." Mika said.

Yuu grinned, "no problem! Thanks for returning my phone haha"

"You'r welcome. Well now, I must go home. We have school tomorrow."

He was about to walk away when Yuu called him, "ahh, since you're going to tutor me, why don't we exchange numbers so we could contact each other?"

Mikaela froze and his body flinched. He turned around to face Yuu with a light blush present on his cheeks. "S-Sure."

Mikaela immediately took out his phone to take Yuu's number, same with the raven. They then exchanged numbers and after saving their new contact, Mikaela went to his room, saying good bye to his friend as he do so.
I'm sorry if I took long to update. I was very busy with school projects ._. So if you could notice, this chapter was a little crappy xD I'm currently typing this in the middle of the night. Lol Anyways, tell me what you think about it so far :D


Haha see ya again on the next chapter! Byeeeeeee :3||

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