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June 10, 2023

" I am going now mom, see you when I get back" said Lucy.

"Ok my little baby girl" said my mom.

"Elsa Abigail Kennity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is the matter with you not waking up on the last of your high school life?" yelled Melody.

"Yeah I am coming,I just had a bad dream so I didn't wake up early.'' I yelled back.

"No, time for that just get ready and on November we will go to college, well at least you will go to college. Did you got any letter yet?" said Melody

"No time for that I want to go to school early on the last day. " I said

So we went running to school, it was summer so we didn't really got cold even know we were wearing short.

Few weeks before that day

I got a email it's from one of the biggest company in the whole world. It was NRS (National Robotics of Space).

IT's been my dream to go to that special school. Since they emailed nice,talented, smart and one of a kind students to go to that school.

It's really hard to get in there. You see here is Matt one of the smart robotics students of our school. Here is his point of view of NRS.


NRS they don't just get any students they pick them world wild. Nobody really knows where or how do students get in there. People say that to get in to NRS you have to have a family member that went there in the past or your just a talented person. That 's why they want to train that person to be a nice, Wait!!! I actually don't know what they give to students. You're just lucky if you get in.

When I got that mailed I didn't told anyone at all. When we got to school every body was crying I don't know why ,maybe because they are not ready to college.

You might be wondering what happens that day. Well TBH things happened the way they were before .

No boys or cool girls think that I was cool.

You see when I was a kid I use to be one of the most popular kid in the whole school,but my mom who's a doctor left me in the foster home. Every since that day I wanted to prove to her that the little girl she left and abandon got somewhere she didn't expect I could go. The worst thing about it is that I have a little sister who's much younger than me.

That same day no other letter from any college ask me to go beside NRS. I told Melody about it and she said I should go.

"But Melody that means I can't go back to this world,you can only see me if I am famous or something." I said to Melody.

"That's OK Elsa, I want you to prove your self to your mother and your sister that abandoned you, because if I am in your position I would to do it too. Let's pack your things Els."Melody said

I still felt bad nut we went running to our room.

Why I am feeling this way well she's the only family that I have. She was there no matter what, even if its bad nor good. She love me like a sister. I love her like a sister too.

When we were packing my stuff we saw old pictures when we were kids. Melody was so cute of course me I still look the same.

With my white-blond hair and her black hair.

I look a my computer and check when I was going to leave in it said Jun 12 2023.

That is 1 and half day from now.

I said to Melody that after we are done packing. Where going to do the things we did before when we're kids.

When we were kids we use to play all the time we got each other's cupcake for our birthday.

Speaking of that Melody's birthday is coming since I won't be there I got her a cupcake this time.

She also got me one since my birthday won't be with her no more. We sang happy birthday to each other and we watch a movie. We laugh the whole nigth.

But when she sleep I started crying, I know deep inside her she doesn't want me going any where. She love me.

Sometimes I get mad at my mom for leaving me, but when see Melody's face with a smile that makes me think and thank my mom for leaving me because, if it wasn't for that day I would never seen Melody crying in the stairs.

That nigth I made myself sleep by crying.

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