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" What for I don't know if you guys is telling a lie." said Elsa

"Lucy you are my child, every mother wants to be with there child every step of the way." said the queen.

" For the past 12 years of my life I learned that some parents just really don't care." said Elsa.

" Oh My, my queen let her be, please a girl who live in the human world would never understand what really happened ." said Rapunzel.

" Then make me understand what happened? Why in the world you gave me away? And why in the world do you want me now?" said Elsa.

"It all started on the day you turned 6 years old Lucy. The gods gave you to us with a special ability that not even me or your dad can handle. Every one of us have a special ability with in us. Yours was so special not one has it. You can froze anything you  want. Because of this ability everyone feared you and didn't want you. So the gods told us that we should leave you in place where your powers can't be use. Now that your 18 you can be teach how to control this ability you have". said the queen.

"Funny because if that is real then prove it." said Elsa.

The queen hold her hand and it stated lighting up with flames of fire. Rapunzel made her hair glow.

" You see here Rapunzel has the ability to heal, she is still trying to control it, so you guys are going to the same school." said the queen.

" What about me I don't even know if I can do it." said Elsa.

"You can you are the only one who can save your father from the fire queen." said the queen.

" What happened to my father?" said Elsa with a sad voice.

" Will get to that later." said the queen.

"First you need to take the power with in you and use it".

Elsa started thinking about things that made her happy and stated putting it in her hands all the emotion with in her came out and she made the whole land scape freeze.

Rapunzel and the queen was deeply surprise. They thought she would just freeze a tree.

"I'll be here to study more, and save your husband but I will not stay here forever. I will return home with my family. I will not be your little princess. After this I want you people take off all the memories I had in here then make me new and fun ones,my wish are order to be followed." said Elsa

" We will" said the queen.

" Please I'll get you to your room." said the servant.

" My lady you would really want her to go to that world again?" said Rapunzel.

" I can't blame her she is old enough to know, I want her to be my daughter even for only a few years. " said the queen with tears of joy.

"Anna your big sister is going to be with us." said Rapunzel with a pissed voice.

" Well will see how would she like this world of ours." said Anna with a fire ball in her hand.

"Hey don't be like that, she looks cool." said Jack.

"Jack have you forgotten why they sent that girl away because she was a monster." said Krisstoff

" Yeah Babe she is evil. She's like the queen of fire." said Rapunzel.

" Well I guess we can make her life a living hell in this world." said Astrid.

"Hey is there some there?" Hiccup asked

" Really bro, no one is there."said Flynn.

" Well lets make sure ." said Astrid with a fire in her mouth ready to blow.

There was a person there it was Merida. Merida teleported as fast as she can. She got in to Ella's room.

" Did the queen sent you here?"Elsa said.

" Oh My lady." Merida said.

" Please don't be so formal call me Elsa." Elsa said.

"Els-a??????" Merida said.

"Hahaha." Elsa laughing.

"Els can I call you that?" Merida asked.

" Yes, you can in fact what's your named?" Elsa asked.

"Els my named is Merida I have three little brothers" said Merida.

"May I call you Melody?" Elsa asked.

"I like that named Els well get along just find." Merida said.

"You got hurt". Elsa said.

"Don't worry about me, that is just a little cut." Merida said.

"No, do you want me to called Rapunzel I think." Elsa asked.

"Please No, she there are the reason why I got a cut." Merida said.

"Why what did they do." Elsa asked.

"Els let's me explain one thing to you, before when we're kids our family are close friends even now. But then the queen of fire got in with this he took your father and since you have the same ability as her they feared you. My mom said that is not because of the gods that's why they left you in that place it's because of the queen of fire. You see according to the legends, "there are only four elements that is fire,earth,water,wind". But some of these got mixed for example wind and fire that is the clan of the Dragons humans . Then there are the fire and water since we have water in there body they also have fire in there too, those are the fire holder they are the most powerful one. Then there are earth and fire they are the ones who can heal. After that there are the people like me earth and wind we can go any where we want we can also killed. Lastly this one is very rare only three people has it so far that is ice magic, you, the queen of fire, and Jack are the only one.Well I guess Jack does not really have it but you do because Jack got that power from you. You see your DNA is with in him. They said that when you were a kid they took some of your DNA then apply it to Jack so they can have protection." Merida said.

"Don't mind if I asked but that's have to do with you being here." Elsa asked.

"You see I was picking things up, then I heard your sister,Rapunzel, Jack,Hiccup,Astrid,Flynn, and Kristoff talking about how they don't like you. I just came here to warned you." Merida said.

"Thank You but I won't stay long in this place, I have a family to come back on." Elsa said.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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