19: Stressful Day + Singing

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Chichi's POV:
I woke up, naked, realizing that today I had to pay the bills. Oh Kami.. I sighed, rubbing my eyes, putting some clothes on. I wore a green dress with a orange bandana. I put my hair into a bun, and had two locks of hair over my ears. Goku was asleep on the bed still. Not surprising. I felt so tired from yesterday.. I felt myself burn from what me and Goku did yesterday. I shook the thought out of my head.

I went downstairs to get out the paperwork. I looked at the clock. 7:00 AM. This was going to take AWHILE.

Around 8:00 I STILL didn't finish. This was making me so frustrated, too. I heard someone coming downstairs. I ignored it, and kept writing. My handwriting was very sloppy now. "Chichi?" A famillar voice said softly. "Hmm" I replied, focused on my work. "Oh good, youre still here. Heh." He smiled, and sat beside me. He didnt look very interested in the TV. Goku watched me write, and he asked, "Want me to fix breakfast for you?" "Er, I'll do it." "No, I'll do it." He jumped up before I could, and fixed some muffins.

The aroma of the blueberry and chocolate muffins filled the air, making my stomach growl. I still focused on my work. "Here." Goku offered me a blueberry muffin. I didnt look up, and took it from his hand, setting it beside me. "Thank you." "Hey, no problem." He said, getting Goten.

A few minutes later Goten was finished eating. "Let's go training daddy!" "Okay, I guess we will see ya later honey!" "Okay." I replied, hearing the door shut. Then I heard it creek open, and actually looked up. Goku blew a kiss at me, then left again. I blushed, and went back to work.

I ate some of my muffin finally, and by 8:30, the boys were finished. I heard Goten say, "I bet you can't stay a super saiyan all day long!!" "I accept the challenge you stinker!" They powered up, and I sighed. I seen other paperwork I had to fill out. Ugh. I didnt feel very hungry, so I set my muffin aside. The boys came in, and ate some leftover muffins. "Hey Chichi, is it okay if I watch TV?" "Mhm." I said, not paying attention. "Thanks!" "Mhm.."

Him and Goten watched TV till around 9:00, and Goten went to play with his toys in his room. "Dont crush anything!" Goku warned. 'Please dont, that'll be another million zeni I have to pay..' I said in my mind. I had done the bills, and some paperwork, but now I had to do a BUNCH of checks. Ugh.. Goku walked to me, and said, "You should take a break.. Youre going to overdue yourself." My hair was now a mess, and Goku gave me a warm smile. I sighed, and looked down. He pulled up my bangs and kissed my head.

"Chichi, please dont overstress yourself.." He pleaded. "Fine.." I sighed, walking away from the table, going into my room. I flopped on the bed, face first. I sighed a long sigh. My head hurt so bad. "Hey, dont run away from me like that.~♥" Goku said behind me, flopping beside me. "I will jump on this bed if I have to." He threatened, standing up. I groaned. "Ooookay, I'm gonna do it!" He said, flying up. "No dont please dont-" and it was too late.

"Whoohoo!! Haha!!" He jumped, sending me up into the air. "Ahh!" I schreeched. He caught me, and said, "Haha, I gotcha now.~♥" He sat down crisscrossed, my arms wrapped around his neck. I rested my head on his shoulder. He lifted my chin to his face. I looked away, and he pressed his head against mine. "Ya know.. I wish I could sing good, that way i could sing to you." He smiled. "Sing, lemme hear your voice." I demanded. "Well, what song should I sing?" Goku asked. "Ohh, sing the guy part in 'Like I'm Losing You' by Meghan Trainer and John Legend!"

"In the blink of an eye, just a whisper of smoke, you could lose everything, the truth is you never know.. So Ill kiss you longer baby,any chance that I get, and I'll make the most minutes, and love with no regrets. Lets take our time, to say what we want, use what we got, before its all gone, 'cause no.. We're not promised tomorrow.." He sang, in the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. "W-wow.." I gasped.

"Its not that good.." He blushed. "Thats was amazing! I love your voice.. That was so good.." I smiled. He looked away, leaning back on the bed, blushing. I kissed him, and pulled away. He closed his eyes, and hugged me. "I love you..~♥"


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