20: Night Out + The Blush Game

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Chichi's POV:
I woke up, Goku's head buried in my neck. He was awake, apprently. His breathing on my neck made me blush. "I know your awake Goku." He laughed. "I know." He said, getting up, a lazy smile plastered on his face. The goofy look made me laugh. I remembered a memory, back when our first date began.

"So what's this dating about?" Goku asked. "Well.." I didnt know how to explain it to him well. "Dating.. Is when you do something, and you try to coax the girl into doing it with him." "Oh, I get it now! Hah!" I was standing by a tree, and he was very close to punching me, and I moved quickly. "Oh, so you wanna fight!?" I growled, starting up a fight with him. "Haha! Wow, this datings fun!!"

I must've been staring off into space, because I heard Goku calling my name. I caught myself staring at my hands. "Oh, sorry." I said, raising my head. "Thats okay." He smiled. I put my arms around his neck, and he blushed light pink. "You think youre so slick, hmm?" Goku asked, wrapping his arms around my waist, leaning in to kiss me. He blushed a darker shade of red now, closing his eyes, kissing me. I felt his tounge entering my mouth, and I groaned, blushing. I pulled away. "You know you can't do that to me..~♥" I grinned. Goku laughed slightly. "Can we go out tonight?"

"Yeah, why not?" I replied. Our arms unraveled. We both changed at the same time, and I turned to where he couldn't see me. I heard him growl when I turned away. I laughed silently. I put a button up shirt, and some jeans. "Hmm.." I wondered, looking at myself at the mirror. My hair was down right now, since I didnt know what to do with it. Goku looked over, ad said, "Perfect."

He wore a red shirt with some jeans, coensidentally. We walked downstairs, and Goten was awake, playing with his toys in the living room. "Hi mommy, hi dad!!" He smiled. "Hey Goten." Goku replied, sitting next to him. I made some breakfast for the boys. We all ate breakfast, and Goten got dressed.

"Goten, do you wanna go stay at Trunks's this evening?" I asked Goten as evening fell. "Yeah, sure!" He got ready for Trunks's house, and Goku brought him over - but this time, I came with. We talked to Vegeta and Bulma for awhile before leaving. "Ya know.. Goku hasnt been focused on his training much.." I told her about how he has been focused on me a lot. "I dunno. Maybe he just wants to spend time with you." Bulma said. I nodded. I heard Goku and Vegeta talking about their training, and Vegeta insulted on how soft Goku is.

Goku's POV:
"Hey Vegeta, what's up?" I smiled. "Gah, I have to deal with you?" He growled. Vegeta is my best friend, though he denies it a lot - but I think deep down inside, he thinks that I'm his best friend too. "What do you want, clown shoes?" Vegeta scowled. "I just wanted to know how your trainings going along." I knew he was trying to surpass me still. As he always says, "I WILL SURPASS YOU, KAKAROT!!". "I'm doing just fantastic. And what about you, slacker?" "Hey, im not a slacker!" "Look how soft you are." "I am not soft!" "Yeah." "No!" A whole argument broke down.

"Yeah, Kakarot, admit it. Youre 'opening your heart' to your women." He said in a disgusted tone. He stuck his tounge out, as if to say "gross". I was angry in the inside. "Well, do you ever spend time with Bulma at all?" Vegeta blushed. In the inside, i was laughing. "T-Thats not anything you should know about, Kakarot!" I whispered in his ear, "Ohh, so it seems like you," I whistled, "her?" His face was a dark shade of red. "Y-You.. Ugh!!!" He stomped off. I laughed.

Chichi's POV:
"Okay, let's go, Chichi." Goku said, grabbing me. "See ya Bulma, bye Vegeta!" I waved. Goku teleported us to a field. "Huh?" I was a bit confused. It was now night, and the stars were shining brightly. "Okay, here we are." He let go of me, and smiled, sitting on the grass. I sat next to him. "One second, okay?" He said, running to the far side of the field. Goku came back with a whole bunch of purple flowers, panting.

"Here.. Is your.. *Huff*... Flowers.." He flopped to the ground, breathing heavily. I laughed at him, and took the flowers. I smelled them, and they smelled like honey. 'I wonder what kind of flowers these are..' I thought, setting them beside me. "Thank you, Goku." I said. "No problem." He replied, not panting anymore. "Oh, I have a fun idea," I began, "have you ever heard of 'the blush game'?" "Yeah. I will probably win." He joked.

"Okay, you go first." Goku said, staring at me, laying on his side. "Hmm.." I thought, plopping on my side. I grinned. "You are so hot, I just wanna make out with you." I laughed so hard. Goku laughed as well, not even blushing. "Now its your turn." I said, calming myself down from the laughter. He thought for a moment. "Ya wanna see my dragon balls?" He said in a perv way, laughing hard. "Oh my Kami.." I laughed, my stomach hurting.

We were at a tie. "Your turn." I said. Goku thought hard about this one. He sat up, taking me with him. He put his arms around my neck, and kissed my cheek. "You know... You are so beautiful. You are so amazing, that everytime you are around me, my heart pounds faster. You make me smile everyday - even if in having a bad one. Youre my sunshine..~♥" He said in a sweet tone. I smiled. "You think so?" "Of course.." He said, leaning in. Our heads pressed against each other. I seen him blush, and kiss me..

But, it wasn't a normal kiss.. We actually made OUT, and I felt myself blush red. I dont even think he noticed. After that, my face was normal while his was burning. "You said that you wanted to make out with me because I'm so hot..~♥" my face turnd a beet red, and I turned away. I felt Goku's breath by my ear, whispering, "Gotcha...." I laughed.

A/N: DANG. WORDS: 1083

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