Chapter 14

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alexander ----> 


The ride back was a solemn as a funeral. Tension hung heavy in the air, and I glanced at Eoin constantly, seeking reassurance. Adrian had said nothing, only heaved the unconcious outlaw on to the front of his horse.  He rode in tight lipped silence, saying nothing. His knights, including, to my immense displeasure and slight joy, Leo, had also ridden out with him. They surrounded me, Alexander, and Eoin, corraling us in, lest we should make a wild bid for freedom.  I shivered. I was cold and hungry, not to mention I was soaked to the bone. 

We rode out of the forest, and across the green, muddy fields. Rays of light filtered through the gray clouds, and the chill air was slowly turning warmer. Mist rose up from lakes and water sprayed up from under Diamond's hooves. Night was falling,fast. Slowly, the castle walls rose into view, and we cantered up the crushed stone path and to a stop. King Caer, Fynn, James, Aaran, and about 15 or so other knights were standing around. As soon as the horses came to a stop, I dismounted and walked hesistantly toward King Caer. 

"My lord." I said, with a curtsey, my bedraggled hair falling over my face. His face was expressionless. Fynn looked at my muddy clothes, sopping hair, and bleeding neck. The hell, he mouthed. I gave him a helpless look.

Adrian pulled Eoin and Alexander forward. "Maybe the three of you would care to tell the king what happened."

"It was my fault-" Alexander began. 

"No it was mine-" Eoin chimed in.

Caer held up hs hand so silence them. He fixed his gaze on me. 

"Catalyn." he said. I sneezed. "Explain."

I told him everything, in front of all the knights and nobles, how we went for a ride, how Alexander insisted on going to the forest, (Aaron cuffed Alex around the ear at this point), how Eoin and I argued with him, how I disobeyed Adrian, how we went anyway. I got to the part about falling in the river, when Caer stopped me. 

"Run her a bath." he said. "You'll catch your death of a cold. Continue."

I related how we were attacked by bandits. I went into a lot of detail about how Eoin and Alex singlehandedly slayed six each. 

Eoin chimed in. "We were nothing! You should've seen how she cut them down, and was taunting them, and she kissed-" He stopped. "Oh."

"You kissed...who?" said Caer, frowning.

I fidgeted. "Um...well...there was a bandit, he's over there actually." Caer stopped me, went over and examined the bandit. 

"Ah." he said. "Take him to the dungeons. Catalyn, Go on."

"Well, we were fighting, and then I dropped my sword and....kissed him." I said lamely. "On the lips. Then I took his knife and knocked him out." I rubbed my nose. "I was being diplomatic."

A moments silence. 

I was expecting Caer to do many things. Toss me in jail, lock me in a tower, behead me, ship me back to Meria and declare war on my country. I was not expecting him to burst out laughing and clutch his sides. 

"Haha!" he said, wiping away tears. "That's brilliant! Being diplomatic! Catalyn, my child, you are wonderful!"

".....Sorry?" I said, confused.

"Don't look so scared!" Caer said, pulling me into a hug. "You've just proven yourself worth of being  a Jaderen. Cheel, pluck, swordsmanship, cockiness, you've shown it all!"

"You're not mad?" I said, looking to his twinkling eyes. 

"Mad?!" he said. "Of course not! You're children, and children do stupid things. It was a lesson learned."

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