Chapter 32

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Some sexual content...

For those of you expecting cliffhangers and grisly death scenes, you shall be disappointed. This is also a romance novel : 0 )



I leaned back, my head touching the back board. Aislin lay beside me, wrapped in a soft green cotton sheet, her little body moving up and down as she breathed. Her big eyes, the same color as Adrians, stared around her curiously as she chewed meditively on her finger. I sighed contentedly and smiled. The soft spring air blew in through the window, bringing with it the scent of flowers and sea salt. 

Spring. New growth, new life. The beginning of a new era. Another chance for everyone. It had been two months since Aislin had been born. The land, ravished by the Jaden War, had begun to heal. The Lliavads were vanquished, the survivors imprisoned or killed. Villages and ports were being rebuilt, the Spring Festival was days away.  My father and aunt had joined us in Jaden. 

All was right with the world. 

The door opened and Adrian walked in. His limp was still there, a lingering shadow of the grisly past. He looked clean and happy, his warm smiles back. A bouquet of flowers, honeysuckle and roses and many others, was clutched in hands. He walked up to the bedside and placed the bouquet in the vase. "Morning." he said, kissing me. 

I smiled. "Morning." He leaned over and kissed Aislin gently. He, so big and tough and coarse, a vanquisher of armies, was so gentle when it came to his little Princess. He scooped her up in his arms and she grabbed at his collar. I left them there and went to take a bath. I donned a light green gown that felt cool and soft against my bare legs. Went I came out, Adrian was seated on the dais, speaking softly to Aislin. 

"When you grow up," he was saying. "I'll teach you to ride and shoot and swim. You'll be just like your mother. I hope you won't be a stubborn as her, though. God, that woman is hard headed. She-"

I cleared my throat. "I hope I'm not interuppting."

"Not at all." he said, standing up. "How would you like to go out?" he said to me. "Just the two of us, for a picnic and a ride?"

I frowned. "What about Aislin?" 

He touched his nose to hers. "She's not going to fly away." he said. "Are you, princess?" She gurgled happily in response.

I  sighed. "Well...I don't want to leave her."

Adrian placed her in her little cradle at the foot of the bed. Odin whined happily and lay beside it. "It's been so long since we were alone together."

"We've been alone before Aislin was born." I pointed out. 

Adrian shook his head. "Let me repharase it. It's been so long since one of us wasn't dying or in pain and could actually...enjoy ourselves."

I smiled, a little puzzled. "Oh. I see."

"So?" His eyes were pleading. "Please? I'll get Valerie or Natalia to watch over her."

I shook back my hair. "I don't know... Do you think she'll be alright?" 

He rolled his eyes. "With her adoring aunts and doting grandmother, yes I am sure she'll just survive." 

I sighed. "Fine. I'll feed her quickly, while you get them. Meet you in the courtyard." 

Adrian grinned. "Yes!" He ran out. While he was gone I fed Aislin and rocked her back to sleep. My mother came in. 

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