Chapter One

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I groggily stumbled out of my bed. I stumbled over a pile of vinyl records I had on a pile on the ground. I heard a snap. I looked down to see Queen's 1975 album, A Night at the Opera, in half in it's sleeve.
I was still half asleep so I wasn't fully sure what happened. I love Queen, and also Styx. They are a fairly new band, only starting about 5 years ago, and the same with Queen, which clearly I love more. I love Dennis DeYoung and Freddie Mercury. I live in a small apartment in Chicago, and I work at an Italian restaurant down the road. Later, when I saw the vinyl in half, I simply shrugged it of with a few curse words. I'd go out and buy a new one, as it had just came out and stores were filled with it. Underneath the album, I saw Equinox, Styx's latest release. I sighed.
It was shortly after dinner (which consisted of freezer chicken nuggets and mac n cheese) and it was time for me to get ready for work. I always have to eat dinner early to get there on time. I put my plate in the sink and got in my outfit. I put my hair in a pony tail and grabbed my purse. I locked the door behind me and I walked out to the car. It was a little chilly or else I would walk. As I went into the restaurant I saw someone walking by outside. A very attractive person. He looked in and stood there for a few seconds. The wind blew his shoulder length blond hair in his face as he looked up at the sign, then looked at a small piece of paper. I saw him glance at me. He slowly walked inside. The hostess sat him, and told him I'd serve him. Gladly. I walked up to his table after a minute or two.
"Hello, my name is Sabrina, what would you like to drink?"
"Uh, well I'm waiting for someone, but business seems kind of slow, so I think you could join me while I wait for him," he replied. His voice, a touch of a southern accent was sweet, almost relaxing to listen to. The other waitress, Julia, was also there so I decided to sit down across from him at the 2 person table.
"So what's your name?" I asked.
"Tommy. I just moved here a week ago from Alabama. I got a gig singing at one of the nearby night clubs, and the lead singer from this band, Styx, saw me, and asked to meet me here because one of their guitarists just quit and wanted to see if I was 'Styx-worthy'. Does that answer any questions you may have wanted to ask?" He said, as I droned out to the tone of his voice, almost not realizing that he said he would be meeting Dennis DeYoung at this very restaurant in a few minutes.
"Yeah, so you are meeting Dennis DeYoung here?" I quickly asked, knowing that it wouldn't be long before he would show up.
"Uh, I think that is the name...," he trailed off. Things were getting awkward. "So can I have your phone number so I can call you later?" He continued.
"Yeah, of course!" I said, almost to excitedly, as he pushed some of his hair behind his ear. After that moment, I saw a man, long, curly brown hair, unique outfit, and knew who it was right away. I scribbled my number on a piece of paper and gave it to him.
"I think Dennis is here," I said, Tommy looked behind him. I was eager to meet him. He was walking up to us but I was too shy to stay so I slipped out before he got to the table. I let them chat for a minute, then came to have them order drinks.
"Hi, I'm Sabrina," I started, facing Dennis, because I knew Tommy knew this information already. "Can I have your autograph, I'm a huge fan of yours,"
"Uh, sure," he replied. Tommy looked at me, almost jealous. I handed him my notepad for taking orders and a pen. He quickly scribbled out his name and then they ordered their drinks. Me and the other waitress, Julia, were good friends. She knew about my obsessions. I walked up to her and the hostess who were chatting, and I mouthed "Oh my gosh I got Dennis DeYoung's autograph and he is right over there with that really hot guy who I just gave my number to!" We looked at each other and pretended screaming with enjoyment, waving our hands in the air.
"I have to get his autograph too," Julia whispered. Since they were sitting nearby, I saw Dennis look at me and smile when I turned my head.
"Come with me when I take their orders," I said.
"Yeah!" She was in shock and clearly did not mentally prepare herself for this. She followed me over, and they quickly ordered. I was waiting by the side of the restaurant when I overheard their conversation.
"So we have a big tour coming up, and our other guitarist quit, so we need a replacement. When the other band members and I saw you at that bar yesterday, we thought you were great!" Dennis said. So, the whole band was just there at the bar, waiting for someone. Or they probably saw that someone they had never seen before that played the guitar would be showcasing his talent to Chicago.
"Well thank you...," Tommy started, Dennis interrupted.
"And I know this seems  little premature, but we would like you to join Styx!" He said. I know I was kind of expecting this, but the fact that I witnessed Tommy become part of one of my favorite bands, but also that I would probably be seeing him later.
"We would have you play for us again, but I wanted to ask you this now," He continued.
"Of course, I'd love to join!" He said, almost hesitating.
     I zoned out after he accepted, dreaming of what my future could be like. Tommy and I would start dating, he'd become famous, we'd be rich, the possibilities would be endless!

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