Chapter Three

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     It was later in the night and I was laying in bed. I remembered how aesthetically pleasing Tommy is. His gorgeous blond hair, his adorable little face, how I towered over him at 5'6''. Well I only had 1 inch on him, but I don't find guys my age that are shorter than me often.
     It was a few days later, and Tommy called me to tell me he had finally met the rest of the band, while I, only met the stand off-ish JY, and Dennis, who was nice, but clearly understood I was under him. Moments I think about it make me glad I met Tommy before he was part of them, and I was very close. He invited me to meet them, but I hesitated. But then I agreed. He came and picked me up later.
"So, are you excited to meet them?" He asked, as we were in his car, on the way to Dennis' house, which is where we were meeting. We were the last ones there, so it was sort of awkward when we walked in. They all stared at us, all with drinks in hand.
"Welcome, Tommy, and, your name?" Dennis said.
"Sabrina," I replied. He couldn't remember?
"Yes, Sabrina, now I'll remember. Chuck and John just stood in the corner of the room. JY glared at Tommy.
"So is she your girlfriend?" Dennis asked as he turned to Tommy.
"Uh, I guess," he replied. Correct answer.
"You guess, Tommy?" JY butted in. "I would've assumed a handsome, tall man would've been sure he had a girlfriend," he continued. Tommy looked clearly pissed off. "But I guess you aren't any if those," he finished.
"JY, stop teasing him," Dennis said from across the room. I don't know if he only has a grudge on Tommy or me, too, or that I was non-exsistent to him. JY smirked at Dennis, and me and Tommy just awkwardly stood there, like John and Chuck were.
"Well I need a refill, who else needs a drink?" Dennis asked. JY followed him off to the kitchen. They came back soon after, and JY sat on the couch. Tommy and I squished together on the couch, trying to stay as far from JY as possible.
"Dennis, is it okay if Emily comes over?" JY asked. Dennis looked over, looked at the rest of us, as if we were supposed to give permission. He looked away and said yes. JY walked over to the phone to call her. Tommy and I sat confused as to who Emily was, but we figured we would find out soon.
     We heard knocking on the door. Dennis opened the door and a strikingly familiar face was presented when he did. I knew who she was, and she hated me. We knew each other since 7th grade and always thought she was better than me and that I would result to nothing.
"Hey, Dennis!" She started as she put her long black hair behind her ears. She flicked off her knee-high black boots and walked in, seeking JY. "Hi, darling," she said when she found him, and put her arms around his neck and he pecked her. She turned around and saw me.
"Sabrina? Oh how funny it is to see you here," she said, trying to sound confused. "At Dennis DeYoung's house?" She said, emphasizing 'Dennis DeYoung', as if I weren't worthy enough to be at his house. "Why are you here, Sabrina," she asked.
"Because her and that shrimp are dating," JY butted in.
"Um, he means she is dating Styx's new guitarist...," Dennis said.
"You are the new guitarist!?" She said, in between giggles, looking at Tommy. He shyly nodded. "Well I'm curious as to what you can play, can you show us?" She asked.
"Oh, and what are the odds, I brought my guitar with me just incase this happened," JY said. So this was set up. JY handed his guitar case to Tommy. He brought out an amp, and plugged in. Well wasn't someone prepared, I thought. Tommy played a few chords, then broke out playing Brian May's guitar solo from Bohemian Rhapsody. He didn't get it all right, but I was impressed. He finished, then threw JY's guitar on the ground, with all force and it broke in half.
"I just started trying to learn that last night, so I got a few notes wrong," Tommy said. A few as in 3. We were all impressed, even Emily and JY, but they didn't want to show it.
"Alright. Can you sing?" Emily asked.
"Do you have a hair brush, on you at the moment?" Tommy replied.
"Y-yes," she replied, digging through her purse, and handing him it. He held it close to his mouth, as if it were a microphone. He started tapping his foot and began to sing Lady, form Styx's 2nd album. About 2 verses in, he stopped, and Dennis walked up to him.
"That was very good. Do you like it, Emily," Dennis asked, as Emily gave me the death stare, for probably because I have a better boyfriend. Meanwhile, JY looked like he wanted to kill Tommy for breaking his guitar.
"Sabrina, I think we should go," Tommy suggested.
"I think so too," I replied. We walked out of the door, and leaning on his car, I saw Chuck. He pushed his sunglasses further on his nose.
"Good job breaking the guitar," Chuck said. "Hope you have a great rest of your day," he finished.

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