Chapter Four

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September 11th, 1976

After about a year of having to deal with JY, he got a little better with Tommy. And he better be today, because it's Tommy's birthday. The whole band and their girlfriends would be going to his house to celebrate.
I walked up to his door, knowing I was a little early. I opened it to see him laying on the couch, watching TV, slowing sipping a bottle of coke with a straw.
"Hey!" I said, he looked startled.
"Hey," he replied, choking slightly on an un-swallowed gulp of liquid.
"You okay?" I said.
"Yeah," he replied, still choking.
"Whatever, when is everyone else coming?"
"I don't know, but Em and JY said they have an announcement," he said.
"What, is Emily pregnant?" I said, laughing a little. "Because I am," I finished.
"What?!" He yelled in confusion, a look of surprise.
"Just kidding," I replied.
"Oh. Okay," he said, leaning back on the couch. JY and Emily walked in on that moment. JY may have gotten a little warmer towards me and Tommy, but Emily never did.
"Me and JY are getting married!" Emily screamed.
"Em, we were saving that!" JY yelled.
"Sorry, I was excited to rub it in Sabrina's face!" Tommy looked a little pissed off, at Emily's comment about rubbing it in my face, I hope.
"Well isn't that terrific!" Tommy said, dramatically. "I need to go get something, hold on," he said while walking off into his bedroom. He was gone for about a minute and came back. He looked at me and went down on one knee.
"Sabrina, I love you, and when you lied about being pregnant, I wished it was actually true," he started. "Will you marry me?" I freaked out and did not know what to say. Other than:
"Of course!" He smiled and we hugged.
"Ew, I did not need to see that!" Emily cried in disgust. "I am going to get my purse out of the car," she said, walking out. A minute later, we heard a big screech and a yell. We all walked outside to see another car in the driveway, and an unconscious Emily under the car. There was not necessarily blood everywhere, but there was some on her arm, which was on the opposite side of the car from her. JY got out last. The person in the car got out.
"Oh my god...," Dennis yelled, as he exited his bloodstained car. Okay "bloodstained" is an exaggeration. There was only blood on her arm that came of. He hit her head, obviously, or she would not have been unconscious. After 5ish minutes, an ambulance had came.
"Well we wouldn't wan't to ruin my birthday, Dennis," Tommy said, sarcastically, as they loaded Emily into the ambulance. JY was going with, but the rest were staying to celebrate Tommy's birthday. By this time, John and Chuck arrived. Chuck observed a small puddle of blood on the driveway.
"Who died?" He said.
"Emily," Tommy replied.
"Well we don't know for sure if she is-," I said, Chuck interrupting.
"Who killed her?"
"Dennis," Tommy replied again.
"Like I said, we don't know or not if she is-," I tried talking again.
"Why did Dennis kill her?" Chuck asked.
"I do not know, but he hit her with a car," Tommy said.
"Yeah, he is in the house, you can go ask him why he did," Tommy said. We all shuffled in, including John. I heard the phone ring and Tommy got it.
"Hello?" He said. He waited. "Oh, well in that case this is Sabrina's call," he handed me the phone.
"Hello?" I said.
"Hey, it's JY. I wanted to tell you all that Emily is alive, but we don't know if she will stay that way," he said.
"Why did Tommy give me the phone?" I asked.
"I don't know. Bye," he said and hung up. That was quick.
"Is Emily dead?" Dennis asked, assuming the call was about her, and worried.
"No," I replied.
"Why did you hit her?" Chuck asked.
"I didn't see her, she blended in with JY's car, and I don't know what else," he said, paranoid. "Do you know what's wrong with her?"
"Well, she's an insensitive jerk," I said.
"No, injuries," he said, pissed off.
"They are not sure if she will survive," I replied. I looked at Dennis sympathetically. He rested his head in arms.
"Oh, calm down, Dennis, it's not like you hit a nice, caring, generous person like me," Tommy said, failing to comfort Dennis.
"Thanks, Tommy, but I'd wish I had hit you," he replied.
"Oh please, you would miss me, and without me, Styx would fail," he said as Dennis glared over.
"Anyway, Tommy, didn't you have a cake?" I butted in.
"Oh yeah, a cake, that would be nice," Tommy said. He got up and grabbed the cake I brought with me. I got out the candles and poked 23 into the surface of the cake.
"Don't you think lighting 23 candles would be a fire hazard, Sabrina?" Tommy asked.
"No, it is fine,"
"Yes, let us kill more people, that would be great fun," Dennis said, quite distressed. We all forgot Chuck and John were there, sitting in a corner.
"If someone dies, blame Dennis, he is already going to be put away for life," Tommy yelled in between chuckle.
"I enjoy your sense of humor, Tommy," Dennis said.
"There is a lot of ways Dennis could get away with this," Chuck said from the corner. We all looked over. I never got to know Chuck much over the year, but he seemed quite mysterious, hiding many things. Dennis raised an eyebrow at him.
"You could blame Tommy, but there would be drawbacks with that," I started. "However, how could you think this adorable, innocent, face could kill someone?" I said.
"And everyone believes the creepy guy with the curly hair and mustache is the killer. That is just how it works," Tommy said, giving an innocent smile to Dennis.
"Maybe we should stop trolling each other now and eat cake?" I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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