Getting the Letter

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Disclaimer: I don't own Black Butler, Vocaloid, or Alice in the Country of Hearts/Clover/Joker. Respective stories belong to their own respective owners. I only own Alice (not the Alice from Alice in the Country of Hearts/Clover/Joker)

"Young Lord, a letter from the Queen." Sebastian the demon butler said as he handed his master a letter.

Ciel, while sipping his Earl Grey tea, took it and read aloud.

"My young boy, by how much you are working, you must be exhausted. Not long ago, I asked you to look at the incident of missing children and the connection of Noah's Ark Circus. This time, I'm afraid to ask you of another favor. You see, a new circus is coming, Dark Woods Circus. I hear rumors about their performers. Children, alas why is it always them, are the main events. Deformed children I'm afraid. Please take a look at it. And also, be careful. I'm worried since you are also a child. Best of luck, Queen Victoria."

Ciel sighed as he folded the letter. "Another circus, as if one wasn't enough. Sebastian I order you to find out as much as you about this Dark Woods Circus."

"Yes my Lord." Sebastian said as he bowed an left to fulfill his duty.

"Let's hope this one has a happier end..." Ciel muttered as he sipped the last of his tea.


"Dark woods circus? Says Emily." Snake said as he was asked from Ciel.

"Yes, do you know anything about it?"

"We had a few encounters with it. I heard they wanted some of our own performers. Says Don" Said Snake. "I remember they asked for Wendy once. Says Emily."

"Any trends?"

Snake and his snakes nodded. "Children. Says Don."

"As I suspected. Snake, you will be coming with Sebastian and I for this case." Ciel said.

"Yesss my Lord. Says Don" saluted Snake.

"We will leave tonight at 7pm." Ciel said and walked away to carry on with his day.


"Sebastian, any information?" Ciel asked as Sebastian entered the room through the window.

"Yes my Lord. The children has been either sold or kidnapped. Most were identified as missing children."

"Kidnapped children and forced to perform eh...very familar."

"Yes though it continues. Most of them are deformed forcefully. An example are the twins. Sewn together at their sides and now two became one. Another example is one that had her legs removed and replaced with goat legs." Sebastian read from his notes.

"...How hideous humans are eh." Ciel said.

"Of course yet that is what makes them entertaining." Sebastian smirked and his eyes glowed a faint pink. "Yet there is more, any disobedience and failure will result in acid thrown at the child's face. Sometimes, if paid well, you can...have your way with a performer..."

Ciel frowned. "Let's end this soon. Her Majesty's concerns were correct. Quickly prepare the carriage."

"Yes my Lord."


"Come see us. Come see us at Dark Woods Circus. Tonight at 8!" Children chanted as they drew in crowds to give them fliers for their circus. Parents had their children begging to go and many were gossiping at the children's appearances.

"Alice!" A female twin said.

"Let's go~" a male twin said.

A sound of a snake hiss was heard. "Coming..." a young girl, wearing a hood, appeared from giving a family a flyer. A snake appeared, wrapping around the girl's shoulders for comfort. "I have a...feeling that soon, something...big will be happening." The girl's lips didn't move yet the snake's were.

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