Man fruit in my ass

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It was just the average day for Frank iero, or so he thought.

It was a bright and sunny day as he headed off to do his grocery shopping for the weekend. He got in his little car and started it up as he drove off to the nearest grocery store. He sang along to the car radio as he drove "wake meh up! Wake meh up inside! Can't wake up! Wake meh up inside! SaaAAVE meh!"

He eventually arrived at the store, he parked his car and got out. Locking it he listened for the little bleep noise that told him his car was locked. He smiled in satisfaction as he heard the noise and turned to walk into the store.

Once in the store, frank grabbed a basket and set about to gather the things on his shopping list. "Bread, milk, tea, bananas, and eggs." He read his list out loud to himself as he toddled along the isles.

Pretty soon frank had gathered half of the things in his list, all that was left were the bananas and milk. He made his way over to the fruit section with his little legs as he held the basket in the crook of his arm.

His eyes wondered over the piles of bananas as he searched for the most delicious looking bananas. He then noticed something, something strange in the corner of the fruit section, leaning against the wall hidden away.

Because frank was curious and loved a little adventure, we made his way over to the mysterious thing. His eyes widened as he came to see what it was.

It was a giant banana. Frank reached out his hand and ran it over the smooth yellow skin of the banana peel. "It's the biggest banana I've ever seen!" He exclaimed.

Suddenly the banana turned a little as it became clearer to frank that this banana had a face, the face of a man.
Frank looked at it closely. "Help meh!" The banana spoke. Frank was a little surprised that this banana could talk and dropped his basket which in turn cracked all the eggs that it held. The eggs splattered all on the ground as they leaked from the basket, but frank didn't care because....

frank iero had decided right then and right there that he must have this wondrous giant man banana. And with that, he spread his legs a little as he crouched down and wrapped his arms around the banana smooth peel body.

He lifted it up, which was slightly difficult because you see, frank wasn't the talest of peoples, and this giant man banana was almost as tall as frank. But frank carried on in his attempt to carry the man banana.
"Don't you worry your self, I shall help you ma dear man-nana." He said as he tittle him and the banana out of the store.

He got some strange looks from customers, but people where too shocked to say anything to frank, even the workers of the store. So frank got out of the store with ease, rescuing this poor man fruit.

He made it to his car, but came across a problem. There was no way he could fit this giant man fruit in his car without squashing him. "Never fear you man of yellow, for I have a plan." Said frank as he cleverly tied the abnormally large banana to the top of his cars roof, using the rope he always kept in the back of his car. One day he had hoped to use the rope for tying up good looking guys in the back of his car, but this was just as good. For frank had a delicious plan for this man-nana.

"Now, how is that?" Frank said as he looked up at the secured banana. The man fruit just replied with delighted banana noises. Frank was happy with that reply and so he got in his little car and headed off back to his home.

"Fruit salad yummy yummy! Put it in my ass and you got pleasurable fun! Oh-ha-ho! Oh-ha-ho-oh-ha-ho!" He sang as he made it do his house.
Excitedly he hope out of his car and went about untying the banana excitedly.

Once the man fruit was untied he lifted him of the car and carried him bridal style. "Me and you are going to have a lot of fun man-nana. Just you wait and see." He said with a big grin as he managed to unlock his house and get him and the big banana inside.

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