Chapter 3: The Locker

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I saw another Jack putting a napkin around his neck and getting ready to eat a peanut, I take out my pistol and shoot him, "My peanut." I then called much louder to the rest of the crew, "All hands slackened braces!"

"Aye captain.  Slackened braces!" another Jack answered.

"Step lively!" yet another commanded.

The one I had just shot was laying on the deck, "Help."

"Man the yards, you filthy toads!" another called.

One Jack clucks like a chicken and the one standing behind him picks up an egg.

"Haul the sheets, sensibly boys!" ordered another.

"Mr. Sparrow." I walked up to a Jack that was winding some rope.

"Aye captain." he looked up.

"What say you about the condition of this tack line?" I pointed at it.

"It be proper to my eye, sir." he answered.

"Proper?  It is neither proper nor suitable, sir, it is neither acceptable nor adequate.  It is inobvious fact, an abomination." I said.

"Beggin' your pardon, sir, but perhaps if you gave the men another chance." he started to redo the rope.

"Shall I?" I ran him through and leaned forward to whisper in his ear, "That sort of thinking got us into this mess." I pulled out my sword and he fell to the deck, I turned to address the rest of the crew, "Gentlemen, we have lost speed and therefore time, precious time, which cannot be regained once lost.  Do you understand?"

"Aye aye captain!" all the others said.

"Aye captain." one was a little late.

"It will all have to be redone, all of it!  And let that serve as a lesson to the lot of you!" I was angry.

Another Jack spoke up, "Doldrums sir, has the whole crew on edge."

I continued, "I have absolutely no sympathy for any of you fecculant maggots.  And no patience to pretend otherwise.  Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness!

I grabbed a rope and swung off the ship landing on the ground, licking my finger I held it up, but felt nothing, "No wind, of course there's no bloody wind.  On my soul I do swear, not a gust, a whisper, a tiny miniature lick." I walked toward the front of the ship, "Yes, I know, but why would he do that?  Well, because he's a lummox, isn't he?  And we'll have a magnificent garden party and you're not invited." I laughed weakily, then I saw a rock and picked it up, "A rock." I threw it and walked a few steps and turned to find the rock right behind me, I flicked my hands at it, "Shoo." I picked up the rock and licked it, then I threw it again and kept walking, "Now we're being followed by rocks, never had that before." I see a rope hanging from the front of the Pearl, "Oh, a rope!"

I try to pull the ship forward but it doesn't move and I faint from the effort.  I awake to find that the ship is somehow moving, I stare for awhile then chase after it.



We crawl up on a beach, I began coughing and Barbossa patted my back, I smiled at him.

"This truly is a forsaken place." Gibbs looked disgusted.

"I don't see Jack, I don't see anyone." Elizabeth observed.

"He's here.  Davy Jones never once gave up that what he took." Barbossa said.

"It doesn't matter, we're trapped here by your doing, no different than Jack." Will coughed.

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