Chapter 4: Getting Back

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"Trim that sail!" Barbossa ordered.

"Trim that sail!" Jack repeated.

"Slack windward brace and sheets!" Barbossa commanded.

"Slack windward brace and sheets!" Jack repeated.

"Haul that pallet line!" Barbossa yelled.

"Haul that pallet line!" Jack repeated.

"What ARE ye doin'?" Barbossa looked at him.

"What are YOU doing?" Jack asked.

"No, what ARE ye doin'?"

"What are YOU doing?"

"No, what ARE ye doin'?"

"What are YOU doing?  Captain gives orders on the ship!" Jack looked hurt.

"The captain of this ship is giving orders!" Barbossa squinted.

"My ship, makes me captain." Jack stated.

Barbossa held up the map, "They be my charts."

"That makes you...chart man!" Jack threw up his hands.

"Stow it!  The both of you!  That's an order!  Understand?!" Jack and Barbossa stare at Pintel, "Sorry.  I just thought with the captain issue being in doubt, I'd throw my name in for consideration, sorry."

Barbossa, Jack and I go up the stairs and they both pull out their spyglasses for a look over the water, but Jack gets mad because his is so much smaller and he walks away.  Barbossa turns to me, "What's this about you killing Jack?"

"Well you see, when the Kraken attacked and we were abandoning the ship, I chained Jack to the mast." I confessed.

"Why would ye be doin' that?" Barbossa asked.

"For revenge." I said simply.

"And what did he do to ya?" Barbossa looked concerned.

"That night on Isla de Muerta, he ripped my heart out." I could feel tears forming.

Barbossa pulled me into a hug and rested his chin on my head, "It be all right Sylvia, don't cry."

"There's more." I  looked up at him, " I made a deal with Davy Jones..."

"Ye didn't sell him yer soul?!" Barbossa gripped me tighter.

"No." I cleared my throat, "For putting Jack in the locker, I get full protection from any danger I might meet on, in or near the water for the rest of my life.  Of course now, I'll only have that protection until he finds out that Jack is back."

Barbossa looked somewhat shocked, I smiled weakily, "The things people do for love."

Later after it got dark, we saw skiffs all around us and everyone went to the railing to look at them, Gibbs started to load a gun but Will stopped him, "They're not a threat to us, am I right?"

"We are noting but ghosts to them." Tia Dalma said.

Barbossa nodded, "Is best just let them be."

"It's my father, we've made it back.  Father here, look here!" Elizabeth called out.

"Elizabeth, we're not back." Jack touched her arm and shook his head.

She ignored him, "Father!"

Governor Swann looked up, "Elizabeth, are you dead?"

"No." Elizabeth was confused.

"I think I am." the Governor said.

"No, you can't be!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

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