Chapter 9: I Do

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Elizabeth is staring out to sea, Gibbs goes up to her, "Your chariot awaits, your highness.  The oars are inside."

She walks by all of us on her way to the skiff.

Barbossa nods politely, "Mrs. Turner."

She smiles and I give her a hug, "Have fun."

"You too." she winked.

I smiled and she kept going.

"Goodbye, Poppet." Pintel sounded sad and Ragetti waved.

Elizabeth went up to Jack, "Jack.  It would never have worked out between us."

Jack smiles, "Keep telling yourself that, darlin'."

She starts to kiss him, but he holds up his hands, "Save it for Will."

Elizabeth smiled and got in the boat.

We left her and Will on the island and made sail for Tortuga.  Upon reaching our destination, we anchored the ship and Barbossa walked over to Jack, "Will ye marry Sylvia and I?"

"Of course, mate." Jack smiled.

Barbossa took off two of his rings and handed them to Ragetti, "Hold on ta these till we be ready fer 'em."

We stood infront of the wheel holding hands and Jack stood behind it as the crew gathered on the deck, "Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today to join these two pirates in holy matrimony.  Sylvia Emerald, do you take this man to be your awful wedded husband?"

Barbossa rolled his eyes and I glared at Jack and he corrected himself, "Sorry.  Do you take this man as your lawful wedded husband?"

"I do." I couldn't help grinning.

"Hector Barbossa, do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife, in sickness and in health for as long as you will live?" Jack looked at him.

"I do." Barbossa smiled.

"I now pronounce you man and wife.  You may kiss the bride." Jack finished.

Barbossa smiled and pulled me close, the crew cheered.

"And now I'm going ashore to get some rum.  Will you be coming Gibbs?" Jack made his way to a skiff, with Gibbs in tow.

As soon as they had tied up to the dock and were out of sight, Barbossa commanded, "Wheigh anchor!  We're going to find an item of great value."

"What?" I asked.

"I'll tell ya later." Barbossa said.

The crew obeyed and he started playing with the monkey, "Ooh, that's a good boy, you're Daddy's boy, yes you are."

The monkey took the peanut he offered and ate it.

Pintel and some others came up to us, "Sir, some of the men don't feel entirely settled about leaving Captain Jack behind..."

"Again." Ragetti added.

"Is that so?" Barbossa looked up.

"It would make us feel a whole lot better concerning our fortunes if we could see that item you mentioned..." Pintel began.

"On the charts." Marty finished.

"Aye." the ex navy guards agreed.

"With our own eyes." Pintel confirmed.

"To ease our burden of guilt, so to speak." Ragetti smiled weakily.

Barbossa takes out a map and unrolls it, "Aye.  Feast your eyes on this, mateys.  There's more than one way to live forever.  Gents, I give you the Fountain of Youth!" they look confused, so he looks at it and sees that the whole middle section is missing, "Sparrow!"

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