The Gingerbread Nuha

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Once upon a time, there was a gingerbread man called Nuha who was baked in an oven by two old people called Alina and Tyra. When she was finished she escaped, Tyra and Alina started chasing after her but they were very very very very very very very slow so they stopped. A nice, kind, caring, loveable and ugly girl named Jane started chasing after her instead. The gingerbread Nuha started singing "Run run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm Nuha!"
Jane soon gave up and a particularly hungry cow called Leianna decided she wanted to eat Nuha so she chased after her, but she soon stopped as well. Nuha had nearly escaped when a very very very very very very very clever doc called Emily persuaded her to ride on his back across the river. Nuha got a bit too close to his mouth and ate her.

And they all lived happily ever after...

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