The Three Little Pigs

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Once upon a time there was a mean, old, ugly wolf called Tyra who blew down the little pigs houses. The eldest pig called Nuha, the middle pig called Jane and the youngest pig called Alina decided they wanted to build their own houses, so they said goodbye to their nice old mum called Emily and started to build their houses. First of all Nuha built a house out of straw and the mean old wolf Tyra came and blew it down. Then she ate poor Nuha. Second was Jane who built a house out of sticks. Tyra blew it down and ate up Jane. Then finally the wolf came to the last piggy, Alina who had built her house out of bricks. "LET ME IN" said Tyra. "Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin" said Alina. Tyra tried to blow the house down but she couldn't since Alina made it out of bricks. So then Tyra climbed down the chimney and landed in a pot with bubbling "hot sauce". Tyra died and then Alina ate her.

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