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Once upon a time there was a king called Nuha who told everybody that his daughter Leianna could weave gold. Lots of the townspeople wanted to get the gold from the king's daughter. So the king l0cked his daughter Leianna in the basement saying she has till morning to weave gold otherwise he will kill her. He locked the door behind him. Suddenly a very short and ugly old man came down the chimney. His name was Tyrastiltskin. He said he would weave the gold for her if she promised him her first born child. Leianna accepted and gave her father the gold. Nuha is impressed and lets his daughter live. 5 years later Leianna and the handsome prince Jane are married and they have a child called Emily. Tyrastiltskin comes down the chimney, "NO!" begged Leianna. Tyra was a fair person and said "if you can guess my name you can keep the baby" Leianna guesses rumplestiltskin "Wrong! Its Tyrastiltskin."
Tyrastiltskin got the baby.
The End.

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