Chapter 27: Sudden Assault

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The night sky that was clear enough to see the bright shining stars, quickly became clouded with ominous dark clouds. It was about to rain. Walking along the streets of Magnolia at night, Jinsu had been looking for somewhere to take shelter for the night, however due to what happened earlier, his body had reached its limit and he fainted right on the street.  Little after that, the rain pelted down. The male face down on the ground had no way of moving to help himself, however, someone appears before him in the rain.

The night went by quickly, and the morning came by quickly, though, the rain had not subsided. It continued to pour. All night and now it was raining in the daytime, hopefully it wouldn't cause a flood. A certain male was beginning to wake up in one of the most warming places he's probably ever been in. The ex-Elemental Wizard, Jinsu was now awakening. Realizing what had happened the night before, he shot up from his resting place, only to see himself in a room. He looked around, noticing the floorboards and walls to be similar to that of the Guild. "Where am I?" He wondered alud, just as he did, Mirajane burst in through the door. "Ah, Jinsu! You're up! Everyone was worried!" She sounded relieved as she spoke and walked over, quickly inspecting him. She checked for any wounds, besides the obvious one on his back, and his temperature. He seemed well.

Mirajane quickly went out to report his well being to the others. Jinsu figured someone must have found him outside in the streets, since he remembered passing out, but that was about it. He wondered how come the pain subsided so easily though, it usually lasted more than a day, and in just a few hours it was completely gone. The male just deduced that someone from the Guild must have helped him. Thinking on that, he remembered. "Right.. the mission.. and..!" He recalled the reasoning behind his torment last night, and quickly dispelled any thoughts he had of it. He didn't need Cobra hearing it at all.

Just a few minutes passed and Team Natsu were the first to come and check on him. Lucy, Natsu, Gray and Erza were present. "Yo!" "Hey guys." Jinsu greeted them cheerfully. He was glad to see them. "What happened to you last night?" "The seal on my back.. It acted up again and before I knew it.. I passed out in the road." The others looked a bit confused. "Acted up? What are you talking about?" The scarlet haired mage questioned. "It's another side.. It's slowly eating away at the Fire element magic within my body and.. doing so, causes intense pain for me sometimes. Last night.. it was unbearable.." He looked as calm as ever. He even gave them a smile as to make them not worry so much. "I'll be fine, don't worry about me!" He withdrew the covers and prepared to get up. As he made an attempt, his body failed him and he fell face first. "Jinsu!" Lucy shrieked, she quickly knelt down and helped him up. "Are you alright?" "Yeah, I am.. I guess?" They helped him back in bed, Lucy looked a bit worried, and left, letting them know she was going to speak with Levy. 

The others kept him company, with Gray helping him out of the bed and into the Guild Hall since, he was tired of being confined to that room. As per usual, the guild was full of energy. Everyone was either drinking, talking, fighting or looking for jobs to head out to complete. After being placed at a table by himself, the others went and joined in the fray. Only Erza remained and stayed with him, due to her scarfing down a slice of Strawberry cake, ever so slowly. The two engaged in conversation, they had a little laugh every now and then, but were enjoying their time. Jinsu however, hadn't seen Cobra around, and wondered where he might be. "I haven't seen Cobra around, he went out on a job or something?" Erza looked as if she began racking her brain. "I honestly don't know, you can ask Natsu, he should know." That look in her eyes said something more was going on here. "That's an odd look in your eyes.. Are they going out or something?" "You catch on quickly. I like that." Erza commented, looking rather pleased. "Yes, they are. For a couple of weeks now, I think. Lost track of time." She nonchalantly said, Jinsu just laughed. "I think I'm going to go out for some air." As he tried to get up, Erza quickly stopped him. "Your body is in no shape for you to be moving independently. Stay." She sounded as if she was giving an order, and she most definitely was. "But I--" "Sit." "Seriously I--" I SAID SIT." "Yes Ma'am!" The male fell into his seat faster than most people can blink, as he heard and saw her intimidating nature. He sighed, thinking back on his mission, he couldn't help but wonder how he would get Cobra away from the battle. Seemed highly unlikely...

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