Chapter 32: The End 4 Now

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a/n: After the trials of getting a computer sorted out for me to finally have for myself, I get this done but my weekend gets claimed as it was my birthday. So I was out all weekend with my family. Haha. Anyways, hope you all enjoy. Make it a little longer than usual today to compensate for taking so long. Enjoy!


Before you knew it, a fierce battle between both fire users ignited once again. Natsu and Katsu were going at it at full power. Matching blow for blow, flame to flame, it was clear they weren't making any progress now. This annoyed Katsu at how much stronger Natsu suddenly became. 'Where does this guy suddenly get all this strength from'? He began wondering, as he could already tell, if things dragged out too long he would lose. Either from tiring out first, or his comrades coming to his rescue. 

Natsu finally landed  a clean, solid blow on Katsu. His fist buried deep in the others' stomach, effectively causing him to cough up blood. "Not... Yet!" A blast of blue flames shot out from the users palm, impacting and lunging Natsu away. At such close proximity, there was no way he could have dodged in time. Natsu was able to recover himself quick, and stood ready to attack once more. Katsu, however, was on his knees. The last attack left him some serious damage.

"Why do you... Keep getting stronger? What the hell?! I'm supposed to be stronger than you!!" Despite his injury, the man ran towards the Salamander again, his arms quickly coated themselves in flames but quickly dispersed as he was attacked. A swift uppercut, and a hard countering punch and Katsu was knocked away again. He struggled, but managed to stand once again. "This can't be..." Natsu didn't say anything. He just stood there, waiting to see his next move. His expression was rather calm -surprisingly given his earlier outburst-. The tide of battle went from a stalemate to completely in Natsu's favor.

'I don't want to use that technique yet... I have to find a way to beat him as is!' Katsu began thinking, brainstorming to find a way to defeat Natsu despite how much more powerful he suddenly became. Looking around the field, it all became clear to him.


Natsu heard his name, and quickly looked behind, and as he thought, Cobra was still unconscious. "You. Your sudden power boost... Its because of that bastard, isn't it? What the hell makes him so special?" "He's special to me." A sly grin made its way across his lips, which confused the other.

"I'm going to pulverize you, indefinitely!" Just like before, he pointed his right arm before him, and placed his left hand on his forearm. "Release!" A magic circle appeared below where he stood, before disappearing again. Katsu's magic power began to rise dramatically, a flaming blue aura surrounded him as well. "This guy.." Natsu expected some kind of backup plan, but nothing like this.

"You're done for, Dragon Slayer!" The atmosphere around them suddenly felt a lot more hot. The heat emitting from Katsu made it feel as if they were near a volcano, or something similar. "You did us all a favor when you split us up. Because now we can use our true power without any reserve!" Hearing that, Natsu began wondering how the others were faring out.

~At the Same time~

Thunder roared and clashed as the two powerful lightning wielders duked it out. For the time being, they were drawed. Neither had the upper hand, and neither looked like they would be slowing down any time soon. "Not bad. You're a lot better than I originally anticipated. I can see why you and your little group were able to catch  Erza and the others off guard." "I appreciate the kind words from you Laxus Dreyar; the continents strongest Lightning Wizard, and someone I look up too." Hearing the sudden kind words, Laxus couldn't help but smirk. "I'm honoured, but compliments won't save you from the inevitable." Raino inhaled deeply, before assuming the same stance as Katsu did before. His right arm pointed out and his left hand placed on his right forearm. "You're absolutely right. The only thing that can change that, is by becoming stronger than you!" A magic circle appeared beneath him, before disappearing quickly. Lightning began striking down from the heavens all around the two in the open field area they were in.

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