Fall Away; 1

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So,, new story! Yay, but like Transphobic this story has two writers: Me, Braylynne and WeAreJust. Hope you all enjoy this!! Vote and comment.


"Justin, we're finally college boys!" I hollered, throwing my hands in the air and momentarily forgetting the many objects I'd been holding in my arms.

"Way to go Gavin, now pick that up before some cute boys walk by and think we're messy straight frat boys!" Justin ordered me, poking his out the dorm door for any signs of said boys. "All, clear Gav, now down to the serious part. Who gets what bed?"

I looked around the slightly cramped dorm. A bunk bed and a single bed, one desk and a window that needed a bath. I looked around in confusion, only one desk? For three people??

"I call the bottom bunk! Justin you can have the single bed since I know you'd be falling on your ass every time you got out of bed." Justin chuckled lightly at my statement, full well knowing it was true.

We both set off to unpack our stuff, thankfully we had storage bins under the beds since there was no space for dressers for each of us. Some time through the endless time of taking putting all my stuff away, Justin had turned on some music.

"I've got a migraine and my pain will range from up, down, and sideways. Thank God it's Friday 'cause Fridays will always be better than Sundays 'cause Sundays are my suicide days. I don't know why they always seem so dismal, thunderstorms, clouds, snow, and a slight drizzle. Whether it's the weather or the letters by my bed, but sometimes death seems better than the migraine in my head."

Twenty One Pilots was freaking bae, and right as my favorite part in the song came on, a small, timid knock was heard from the door. I turned my head to it, and first saw Justin smirking then I saw a mildly tall boy with quiffed up blue hair, with streaks of black that made it look even cooler.

The blue headed boy had bags with him and another guy, who I'm presuming is his brother or somewhat. "H-hey, I'm Eli." It was quick and short. He seemed shy but I couldn't really tell. I walked over, extending my hand out to him and introducing myself.

"I'm Gavin, this is Justin," I said pointing to J. "We've already picked out our beds, you got top bunk, hope that's okay, man."

"Y-yeah... T-that works." He said quietly, I could barely hear him. Man, if he was gonna be friend with me and J, he better open up to us.

Eli and who I assume to be his brother walked in and set his stuff on the floor. "This i-is Nick. H-he's my best friend." Said the blue haired boy. Nick looked at me and Justin.

"Hey. I won't be here for long, just helping Eli get settled in then I'll be on my way" He smiled brightly showing his white teeth. 

"It's all good, no worries." Said J. I hope the three of us all get along well together. It would be awesome adding someone else to our group of 2.

"Alrighty, have fun Eli. Don't get into too much trouble, or I'll have to tell your mother." Nick smiled, once again going to hug Eli goodbye.

Eli buried his face in Nicks chest, almost like he was saying to stay longer. "B-bye Nick." Nick looked down and kissed Eli on the forehead, said his final goodbyes and walked out shutting the door semi loud.

Eli walked over to his stuff and started organizing it while Justin was singing Forest in the background. Man, he really loves Twenty One Pilots. I'll have to buy him concert tickets, maybe see if Eli wants to come. That'd be cool, we could all get to know one another a little bit more.

"GAVIN!!" Shouted J, apparently I zoned out long enough to have no clue what was going on around me. "I'm gonna go down to the lobby and get a red box movie, I'll be right back." He said walking my way and Patting my back before exiting.

"So Eli, what's up man? Excited for college life? Ready to get allll the lady's? No parents around, so why not?" I think I scared him by my sudden outburst because he was just staring at me with no words coming out of his mouth. "Oh sorry, I'll try to calm it down a little." I smiled to ease the tension.

"It's o-okay, I'm just n-not used to talking to anybody t-that isn't Nick" Eli said. So he speaks!! "And yeah... I-I guess..." He smiled. He has a really pretty smile. Justin came back through the door with 'The Hunger Games' and about five other movies.

"They had so many options I just didn't know what ones to pick. So I picked them all" Justin said enthusiastically. He set them down and came over to me kissing my cheek leaving a huge slobber mark.

"Ewwwww I don't want your gross mouth on me J. Wipe it off!" I flung myself at him wiping my saliva covered cheek on his shirt.

"That's not what you were saying last night." I just stared at him. Hmmph.  If he was gonna act that then I just won't talk to him. I turned my head to see Eli blushing with a very amused look in his eye. He turned away and kept organizing his belongings once he realized I caught him staring.

I decided to make some popcorn as J put in the movie. While it was popping I noticed Eli looking at J. That's my man, not yours honey. I turned back around so I wouldn't get Aggravated just as the beeper went off. I got the popcorn out and poured it into once huge bowl and went to sit on J's bed so we could all watch the movie together.

Eli went and sat on his bed. I think he was uncomfortable because he didn't know where to sit. Justin must've noticed also. "Hey Eli, you can come sit here with us so you can see better." J told him.

Eli looked hesitant to come sit with us. He sat on my right side while Justin was on my left. I leaned into Justin and he put his arm around my waist. I leaned my head on his shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Eli looking at us. Maybe he had a problem with it or something. I really didn't care so I focused on the movie once more.

Half way through the movie and the comments of Justin here and there, I heard a slight snore. I forgot Eli was sitting right by me. I know it wasn't Justin because he snores really loud and he was just talking a minute ago. So it must be him.

I decided to ignore it and focus on the movie. Me and Justin were still cuddled up on the bed with his arm around my waist and the other resting on my leg. A lot of people think we're dating but we aren't. We're just friends plus a little. We both got out of long term relationships with girls a while back and decided to experiment with each other. We still do because no one else has come into our lives and snatched one of us from the other which I am thankful for. I don't know what I what I would do with out him. I kissed him on the jaw before paying attention to the movie again.

I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder and it startled me. I turned my head to see what it was. Eli put his head on my shoulder in his sleep. I decided not to move him because he looked so peaceful. Now that I can actually look at him, he's a lot more attractive than I thought. I snapped my attention to Justin and realized what situation I've just been put into. First day of college and I have two boys cuddling onto me. I could get used to this.

New story... Yay!! We will probably  upload at least once a week. Have a good night :)

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