Fall Away; 2

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I woke up in the middle of the night. I felt something underneath me. Last night was coming back to me slowly. Nothing really happened, I just fell asleep while watching a movie with Gavin and Justin. They seem like nice guys. A little touchy feely but that doesn't bother me.

Back to what's underneath me. I looked down and saw an arm. Huh? I looked around and saw a black shirt. Wait a second... Oh my. I'm in bed two other boys. I sat up at fast as I could. Gavin started stirring in his sleep and grabbed me and forced to to lay back down with him. I heard him mumble something in his sleep but I couldn't make out what it was. Maybe he thinks I'm Justin...

This is really awkward for me. Gavin had had his stomach pressed against my back and his face pressed against the back of my neck. Justin was on the other side of me, with his front side facing my front side. He wasn't touching me though. Thank god.

I tried getting up again but Gavin kept his grip on me. Guess I'll be here for a while.

I drifted off into sleep again only to be waken up by the loud TV in the morning. I woke up in the same position I was in last night. Except no one was in front of me. I started panicking. What if Justin has already gotten up? Will he be mad at me? Oh my. What if he thinks I'm trying to take Gavin awake from him?  I forced my way out of Gavin's arms and looked around the small dorm room for Justin. He was in the kitchen eating cereal.

I tried to make my way to my bed unnoticed. But apparently the Great Lord up above just wasn't having it. Justin snapped his head at me and... Smiled? "Hey, good morning." He said showing off his white teeth. "Gavin's a sleep cuddler, he'll latch onto anything he can find while he's sleeping." I let out a relived breath.

"I-I noticed." I said. I really need to stop stuttering, it's getting in the way of my social life. Or what little social life I have. "I t-though you were g-gonna yell at me o-or something." I stated shakily. "I-don't want it t-to seem l-like I am t-taking him from y-you."

"No it's cool bro, he's very persistent when he's sleeping. Oh and I forgot to tell you. You have some really rad hair. I wish mine was like that. All I get is boring old white hair. Which is weird because both of my parents have dark hair."

"Your hair is n-natural? W-wow. That's cool." I'm impressed. My hair is really dark, so I have to bleach it a ton before I can put color on it.

"Yep, do you wanna do something, the three of us today? Or stay in? Or do you have plans on your own? Sorry bro, I should stop asking questions. I think I'm making you nervous." He stopped talking and kept eating his cereal waiting for my response.

"It d-doesn't matter. I'm not d-doing anything." I said. I put a slight smile on my face. I don't want them to think I'm some freak because I can't make it through a sentence without sounding like a 6 year old.

I focused my attention on the sleeping boy. He is really attractive, him and Justin both are actually. I know I'm attractive too, I just go under radar most of the time so I don't get noticed. Gavin started waking up and rolled off the bed.

"Jesus fucking Christ, that hurt." He stood up and sat at the small table with me and Justin.

"You look like you just woke up from the dead." Justin stifled a laugh towards Gavin.

"Well not everyone likes to wake up at freaking 8:00 in the morning on a day without classes." I looked at the clock and noticed it really was 8:00, I've never been one to sleep a ton. "Good morning Eli, see J. We need more people like him in the world, people that don't make fun of me for how I look at fucking 8:00 in the morning." He didn't look that bad, or even bad at all.

I just smiled in return. It's too early to be talking so much. And Gavin talks really loud. "Well not everyone can have blue hair and be so polite to you at all times." Justin returned. This must be some sort of love hate relationship between them. It wasn't like this between me and Nick, we are always so nice to each other. He's like an older brother to me. I send Nick a text telling how my night went. He responded back a few minutes later with a heart and a smiley face. It made me silently laugh to myself with a huge grin on my face.

"Oooh, Eli's got himself a lover. Who is it??" Gavin tried looking over my shoulder at my phone but I just shut it off and looked at him.

"That's n-none of your business." I stated still grinning like a school girl.

"Ooh, we've got a feisty one Justin. What are we gonna do about that?" I turned my head to see Justin eyeing me along with Gavin. Oh my.

"Go!!" One of them shouted before I was tackled to the ground and endlessly tickled by both of them at the same time. This was too much.

"G-get off o-of me!!!" I screamed and laughed at the same time. Being tickled was one of my major downfalls.

"Never." They both returned at the same exact time. I managed to get away from them and ran out the door down the hall way. I heard the door slam behind me which means both of them or one of them are coming after me. I turned the corner and tripped. The mystery person tripped over me and fell on top of me.

"God damn, ow." That must be Gavin. With the cuss words. I lookup up to see him hovering over me. He was just staring at me.

"You g-got me..." I whispered softly. He was so close to me that there was no need to speak loudly. He didn't say anything. Just kept looking at me dead in the eyes.

"You have really pretty eyes" he stated matter of factly. I have bright blue eyes to match with my hair. I normally wear colored contacts but I was too busy being chased out of my dorm room to realize that. "Sorry... I'll get up now," he said, forming an awkward feeling around us. He lended me a hand and helped get me up. We walked back to the dorm room with no more words shared between us. He's not usually this quiet...

No authors note. But have a good day!!

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