Chapter 1

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I had never really considered myself the promiscuous type. My school friends had always called me a prude. If only they could see me now, straddling the lonely man who had purchased my services.

His breaths came hot and ragged. I could feel his heart beat furiously in his chest as I rubbed my crotch against his growing erection. His hands drifted up my bare waist and traced up my back.

"You like that, baby?" I asked in a breathy whisper. When did I stop cringing at this out of character, sultry behaviour; I didn't not know.

He groaned. "You know I do."

I smiled, making sure to drop my eyelids. "Adds to the effect", Marianne told me so when I first started. "Good." I purr and bow my head so my lips ghost across his.


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I relish the feeling of my stiff mattress as I flop down on it after a long day of work. Most of my clients were rather wealthy and therefore habe luxurious beds with mattresses that felt like clouds. Having a harder mattress made me feel normal, more like a regular person who doesn't sell sex to wealthy people in order to pay my university tuition.

Just as my eyes beging to close and the warm feeling of sleep begins to wash over me, the shrill, shrieking sound of my alarm clock jolts me awake. I groan and pull myself out of bed. My first class starts in an hour.


The smoke from the cigarette that Marianne holds between her fingers tickles my nose. "What is that, your third tonight?" I tease.

Marianne pulls the cigarette away from her face and rolls it between her fingers, inspecting it. "I suppose it is," She shrugs and brings it back to her red painted lips for another drag. She holds the smoke in her mouth for a few seconds, savouring it, then slowly blows it out. "But, we only live one life and we might as well make the best of it."

"And the best of it includes sex and cigarettes?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"For me, oui." Her French accent makes everything that rolls off her tongue sounds smooth and sultry. "Sex, cigarettes and champagne. For you," She gestures towards me with the ember of her cigarette. "It could be sex and... what are you studying?"

"Physics." I tell her.

"Well sex and physics, then." She concedes, taking another drag. "Or physics and solid relationships. It all depends on the person." She drags out her words as if to emphasize he point.

"Ah, maudits de prostitués!" A man yells at us. He and his friends are obviously drunk. "Allez, fichés le camp! Vous ne faites que salir nos rues!" I don't understand what he said but Marianne seems too. Despite living in Paris, I speak next to no French. I'm learning though, slowly.

Marianne steps away from the wall and throws the remainder of her cigarette to the cobblestone sidewalk beneath her and crushes the glowing end beneath the toe of her red pump. "Mais non!" She answers, a pout forming on her plump lips. "Nous avons besoin de gros abrutis comme vous pour acheter nos services!" She takes a step forward, a sweet smile slowly replacing the pout that had been present only seconds ago. "Et puis à Paris, les hommes sont plus... comment dire... plus grands."

The men grow red in the face

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The men grow red in the face. Whatever Marianne said to them seemed to have slightly appeased their anger. With a growl, the men leave, stumbling down the street until we can't see them anymore. Marianne turns to face me before casting her brown eyed gaze to the ground. "Look at that, those drunk idiots made me waste a perfectly good cigarette."

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