Glossary (In the order of the chapters)

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Author's note on the glossary:

It's not necessary that you need to check the glossary every time you find and unknown term to understand the main plot/idea of this story. The glossary is here only for you to understand more about the world of Arborea and how everything is as of right now. These definitions are subject to change at any given time so don't freak out if a small detail has changed over the course of writing this book before it is completed. Not Updated to the current chapter.

Chapter One

Gragnore Jungle (Province/Region):

Located at the south of the Arborean Sea, it's the closes passage that connects the Great Drylands to the Isterica Lowlands and the Southern lands. It's a rather dark place with little human settlements inside. Only known inhabitants of the jungle are the Amini and the Baboons.

Port Stonehearth (Town/City):

The main trade centre for Arborea. It's located at the south of the Straits Of Linken and next to Springfield. It's strategically placed at the centre of the three main lands of Arborea: The Isterica Lowlands, The Great Drylands and the Nebula Highlands.

Pug (Arborean Slang):

A term used to describe people of lower class/authority in a rather rude way. Origins link back to the occupation of the Frost Guard (145 - 197 Orbitals)

Gragnore Peak (Landmark):

Highest peak inside the Gragnore jungle. A famous rest area for caravans traversing the ancient jungle. In recent years, less traders use this rest area because of the other convenient routes.

Assassin (Class/Role/Specialised In):

A class of deadly killers that uses their strong accuracy to swiftly end the lives of their prey. They normally hide in the shadows and you blades and knives to execute their target.

Shadow Legion (Dark Orders):

One of the Dark Orders of Arborea. They work in secrecy and hence the name containing "shadow". Other information about them is currently unknown.

Chimera (Beast):

A fictional creature (but real in the land of Arborea) that has the parts of various animals like lions and goats. Normally attacks with fire.

Chapter Two

Springfield (Province/Region):

One of the more populated areas of Arborea and home to the family of Deliorea, the protagonist of the story. Located to the North-west of Gloria

Arborea (Land):

A fictional land where the story is currently taking place.

Stoneguard (Orders):

One of the three main orders of Arborea. Their aim is to ensure the security of Arborea, keeping it safe from all threats. There are firm and serious in their work like how a stone is always a strong and solid place to stand.

Watersong Guild (Guilds):

One of the more popular guilds in Springfield. Their rival guild is Guild Burnbane, located in Linken Tropics.

Glorico (Town/City):

Capital of Arborea and home to the palace of the Queen Emily IV. Most people meet here to sell and buy weapons and magically infused items. It's a really solid citadel with marble and brick walls lining the outer layers of the city. An aqueduct leads water into the city from the Nebulan Plateau.

Nebulan Guardians (Orders):

One of three main orders in Arborea. They are the tacticians and the backbone to Arborea. They call the shots on all of the land's major moves/action.

Order Of The Wind (Orders):

One of three main orders in Arborea. They work on consistency and mobility. They are the ones that assist and motivate most of the other orders.

Festival of Demeter (Events/Traditions):

Also known as the Festival of the Great Harvest. Demeter is the goddess of harvest. Every year, the farmers would burn a portion of their harvest on a pile of rocks in order to thank Demeter for such a great year. In recent years, lesser farmers observe this tradition as they don't want to waste their crops just for "fun".

Chariot (Transportation):

A type of carriage normally driven by two horses. Normally only accessible to the upper class citizens and the royalty in Arborea.

Templar Gate (Place/Object):

One of the six gates of Glorico. It is located at the southern wall Glorico. According to legend a famous Templar lived on top of the gate. One night he let out two persecuted prisoners from his window because he wanted them to have a second chance. This legend would become a fairy tale told to many children in Arborea.

Chapter Three

Council Master (Class/Role/Specialised in):

The person that leads the Arborean council in it's various meetings. The current Council Master is Filius Mystbringer. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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