Chapter 4: Misconceptions

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"So, what brings you to our shop?" the demolitionist mother questions a wondering Jolyn. 

"Honestly I don't really know, but since I'm here I might as well check it out," Jolyn says walking towards some shelves visible from outside the store through a glass window with a bomb banner stuck onto it. How dangerously special this shop is, she thought in a very sarcastic manner.

    The shelves are decorated with some weird objects that Jolyn has vaguely seen before. On the top shelf was a violet leaflet that read "do not touch for risk of imminent doom". Jolyn doesn't get how that object should even be in a shop like this but decides to keep her mouth shut. Her vision rolls down to the shelf that's in the center but is vaguely slanting towards the left. An assortment of keys were littered over a dove-like white cloth. Feeling cheeky and rebellious, she takes the keys by the handful and inspects them.

"I see you've found the keys to our 'bomb-fusion' caravans, our signature product we sell here," Marcus grins at Jolyn, "Mother, should we show her the most awesome thing that could ever exist in all of Arborea?"

"Hell yeah!!!!!" the mother howls as she scurries to the back of the store to the shock of Jolyn. What on Arborea is wrong with this demolitionist son and mother?

"Follow me," Marcus tells Jolyn with obvious excitement in his eyes,"you're going to like this."

"How would you know if I would like it or not? It's not like if you like it I would. And besides, I haven't even-" she bashes at him but gets quickly interrupted by a mildly irritated Marcus.

"For once, trust me, okay?" as he grabs onto her hands and pulls her towards the back passing some more shelves of interesting objects that Jolyn might want to take a look at if Marcus wasn't forcing her to walk.

They enter a room with various models of what Jolyn would presume are the "bomb-fusion" caravans. She chuckles as she notices the size of the caravans, they can barely even fit a human!

"How underwhelming..." She says realising that the caravans aren't all that awesome at all.

"You do realise that this is the prototype for children right? Do you seriously think that this scrap of a thing can be the real deal?" Marcus explains. Jolyn is dumbfounded.

"Oh. Um... yeah?" she says a little embarrassed at her misconception .

"Well the real deal is just behind the door here," Marcus points towards a cute sky blue door even towards the furthest end of the store,"but first you need to be blindfolded because that's more climactic, am I right?"

"No, not in a million years," Jolyn replies clearly not enjoying the thought of being blind and lead into a place with bombs by a blond dude that woke her up from her sleep for no reason. 

Smirking, Marcus grabs the blindfold on a table to the side and puts into on Jolyn, saying:"You have no choice."

"Hey! I did not agree to this..." as she is surrounded by the night sky. 

"Cool blindfolds right? They simulate a gloomy dark sky. One of my grandfather's greatest inventions, named the NightFold, get it?" Marcus says as quick as possible like a robot trying to amuse Jolyn.

"Sort of but no, this is the most creepiest things ever!" she shrieks but calms herself down. She is not going to die.

    Marcus escorts her out the small door that can barely fit such a fat person like Marcus. They slip outside of the store and go into a small junkyard area with buildings surrounding the north and west side of the little area. Jolyn doesn't see the square area but sees some really beautiful galaxies thanks to the NightFold. 

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