Chapter 2: I meet another few demigods

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I rose out of the shadows next to Nico and looked around.

"Don't worry were away from Tartarus" said Nico and I could tell he knew about my worst nightmares.

Two demigods, One with black hair and sea green eyes and One with blond hair and grey eyes ran past us.

I sank into the shadows without Nico seeing me. I rose up right in front of them.

"Who are you outsiders" I snarled

"Depends who's asking" said the Blondie as I drew my sword.

"Wise girl go ahead find what were looking for" said the guy with black hair and she hesitantly ran ahead.

"My name is Percy Jackson son of" he started but I interrupted him.

"Son of Poseidon" I said

"How about you?" asked Percy

"You don't need to know" I said as I swung my sword at him.

Usually when I fight underclass titans (lower than the major ones) they usually are  a little rusty but this demigod was far from it just above my skill level.

He disarmed me in 15 minutes and quickly looked around and spotted a brazier 10 meters away.

I stood my ground as Percy held the tip of his sword under my chin.

I summoned a jet of fire which caught him off guard and he dropped his sword to put it out with water.

He summoned a water whip, flicked it around my middle and threw me over the side of Tartarus.

I managed to catch hold of a small hand hold.

I heard voices calling my name from down below.

I looked up and saw a boy with straight black hair and a bow peering over the side.

"Need some help" called the boy

"Yes" I said sounding terrified as I slipped a little.

He lowed a rope which I used to rock climb to the surface.

" Will solace son of Apollo. You?" he asked as Percy ran over holding a water whip

"Percy wait!" shouted Nico and he dashed over.

"Nico I thought you were with my mother" said Percy

"Don't worry I managed to give her some information but you're gonna need to tell her the rest" said Nico

"I ask you again what's your name" said Percy

"Rose Phillips" I said as I took a deep breath "I'm a daughter of Hades lord of the Underworld" as soon as I said it black fire spread around us in a circle. 

"Lets find the others and get out of here" said Percy

"We can only hope  Annabeth and Tyson can get out of here" said Will as Nico and I extinguished the flames around us.

"Go I'll hold anything that will try to stop you" said Nico but I grabbed him by the arm and ran with the others to the door.

"Once we get out of here I'll summon a ride back to camp" said Percy as half a dozen skeletons stood in front of us. 

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