chapter 6: The untold attack

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I woke up yet again in the infirmary with my hand in thick bandages.

"Hey sis" said a guff voice to my left.

"Nico you okay?" I asked worriedly

"Yeah thanks to you" said Nico as I got out of bed I heard a strange horn erupt from outside.

"Lets check it out" I said as I stood up and grabbed my sword from the bedside cabinet.

When we walked out of the Infirmary I saw a 19 year old boy holding a sword made of celetrail bronze and silver. He stood with 30 monsters.

"Who the in the name of Hades is that?" I asked

"Luke Castallan son of Hermes. He's been taken by Kronos" siad Nico

Kronos. the titan with the 10,000 drachma reward slapped on his head right there.

"I'm going for him" I said and I ran towards him before Nico could stop me.

Before I got to Kronos one of the monsters, a drachne I think hit me a thick but short piece of branch.

I was slammed onto the floor and blew my warning horn. I felt blood pouring down my face from the bridge of my nose.

I heard mumering in the distance which told me that everyone heard the horn.

I felt claws dig into my skull as the drachne pulled me up and held a knife to my neck.

"Now then you hero scum are going to let me walk out of here right now with her or she gets butchered" said Kronos

"Kronos how come you've got a 10,000 dracma reward on your name and out act so pathetic" I said and I spat in his face.

"Be that as it may that you just insulted me you have guts which is why you will join my army or watch this camp and every hero be destroyed" hissed Kronos as the drachne dragged me across the borders of camp and into the back of a white truck.

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