Alone with the leaf

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Hello! Before we start I just want to add that I would like no hate or flames for this. It is my first fic you can comment any mistakes you find but I don't want any misplaced fire or other things. This will be a short story and will evolve around Toothless pow in the start thereafter move to Astrid's. Bear in mind that Toothless doesn't know the human language and therefore I couldn't involve it in the first part, nor does he know what an arm is or fingers and other human things. I also tried not to rewrite to much but some parts just has to be in there to make it work. I don't own httyd. Sporadic updates. Characters might be occ, I'll try to not make them too much though. The same story can be found on


He was back. The two-legs was back. And it had brought food. Another reason not to kill it. It moved forward making weird sounds with its mouth. I had no idea what the point behind the weird sounds was, but honestly I couldn't care less. I was still upset about my tail. My ripped tail. I would no longer see the sky. Would no longer soar through it, unless I found my mate. Unless I made the bond and connected our souls together. And I highly doubt I well ever find my other part. My mate whom I had searched for for so long now. I was downed here with this crazy two-legs whom I let live.

The two-legs moved into my cove. I would allow it since it brought me food. After all the killing and slaughtering, the two-legs should be happy it was allowed to bring me food. Might be the reason why it returns so often. Perhaps...

I walked over to the two-legs. It was wary of me today too. I didn't respect a thing that didn't stand its ground and shook like a leaf. But I would tolerate it. It brought me food. If it weren't for this situation I found myself in I would never admit it, but the fish in the water would soon run out. This leaf was my only hope.

I grabbed the fish between my gums and looked baffled at the two-legs. It sat down next to me and somewhere in my mind I wished it would scratch me like it did a few days ago. No! It was a two-legs. My enemy. I shouldn't be near it, but I let it touch my snout. I let it scratch me. I let it feed me. I let it close. I couldn't feel any ill intentions from it. Which was weird because they killed us, didn't they? It was different, like a leaf as I said earlier.

I still wondered if this two-legs was a male or female. I knew the difference between a female two-legs and a male two-legs. It was just difficult with this one. It had weird fluffy stuff along its face, which seemed to remind of the female two-legs. But it didn't have the attitude of one. Well to be honest I was never close to the two-legs and this one seemed like just a hatchling.

It had an awful smell too. The smell of sweat and metal. There was only a hit of the forest that I loved. There was also the smell of blood and other dragons. Dragon blood. I knew all two-legs killed us, but why didn't it kill me? I only offered the two-legs its life after it freed me from the death ropes. I wish it would leave and bring me more food. That would be nice.


It had scratched me today and brought a weird soft rock that smelled like delicious fish. After it tipped the weird rock I saw there was fish inside. Such smart rock! Being able to hold fish inside. I would have to show this to my brothers and sisters. If I ever got to see them again...

The two-legs walked around the fish as I moved my body closer. I raised my ears to try and understand what the weird sounds was, but was none the wiser. Then it presented an eel. AN EEL! I hissed at the two-legs damning him for bringing the hideous creature close to my being. I cursed the two-legs and spread my wings wide in a desperate measure to get away, when the two-legs threw the eel away. I cursed under my breath and sent the two-legs a look. I had no experience but the last few days in reading the two-legged's emotions. If it had some, but it looked scared.

It had a weird thing under its front paw. I sent it a look that told it to not try a thing and began devouring the fish. And one thing, the fish was delicious. The rest of the story didn't go so well, the two-legs wrapped something to my tail which got me in the air for a few seconds. It felt good. I trusted the two-legs a bit now. It had saved me from the ropes, the hunger and the sky less fate. I had to admit it. I owed it.


The two-legs could be trusted. I knew that now. It had brought me food. It had made me a new tail. It had scratched me. It had thrown away its metal for me. It still reeked though. I wondered if all two-legs was like it. I remember some of them who was brought to the nest. We killed them all. They attacked us and we killed them all and gave them to our queen. But this one could be trusted. They weren't merciless monsters after all. If I could trust this two-legs and it could trust me, maybe we could make a deal. We could get food from the two-legged nest and not attack it like we usually do. We could bring the food to the queen and never again have to fight for it. If only it was that easy. If I was to ever get up in there again it would be with the two-legs on my back. I disliked that. But I knew it had to be there to control my dead fin. My dead tail. I knew, but I disliked. And only after I had discussed this with my family we could begin to think of peace.


The two-legged with weird fluffy stuff along its face called the usual weird sound. I had gotten used to it now. It sounded like trrowrtrlessr. It wasn't perfect but it was the closes I could make out if it. I had noticed the use of this sound when it talked (if you could call it that) to me. He strapped the dead stuff around me and we went flying. It was still hard even after that wild race we had a few days ago when we nearly died. Or it nearly died, I bet I would have survived. I was a though guy. And still a two-legs had managed to shoot me out of the sky. If I ever find the culprit, peace or not it would be dead.


A pair of tailsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें