White wisps of fog

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The Nadder we were flying on were not the best flying companion. It was not very considerate of us on her back. Her blue and yellow wings soared through the sky at a slow pace. The other teens and dragons circled us. Sometimes asking questions aimed at Hiccup. The only thing on my mind was too reach them before the Queen could come out of her cave. Worst case scenario would be to have her control all the dragons and make them attack the villagers. Hopefully Toothless would be left alone.

It didn't take that long before we could se the white wisps of the dragon island. The dragons flew slowly towards it almost making me cringe at the speed. Didn't they understand the haste? Or were other dragons this slow?

We entered the fog and passed the Hellheimsgate. The smell of fire wafted towards our noses and a flock of screams towards our ears. The sound of something hitting something even bigger echoed around us and dragon screams filled the air as the dragons we rode on flew through the stone mace. Suddenly hundreds of dragons came against us, our dragons quickly avoided them and looked longingly after them. They continued towards their destination and we could se the faint outline of something on fire. A roar of something impossible big made the air move around us as if it was quivering in her presence. Then the twins entered with a big explosion and we entered the clean air around the dragon isle.

If I had thought she was huge in the cave, she certainty had grown some. I suspected her to have been this size well, since last time I saw her. I felt small in comparison to this huge monster. I felt powerless as Hiccup called the others and gave them orders. A soft pat on my shoulder pad made me turn my face towards him. His eyes were filled with something I lacked. Something I had held before. As if it had moved to him. I tried to put on my mask and either he didn't notice my slip up, or he had something bigger to think about as he ordered me to circle about to look for Toothless.

As we began to circle around I noticed all the Vikings. Those who weren't as crazy as the chief and Gobber were running for the other side of the isle. A few were helping those wounded but most were fleeing. Good.

Something pressed against my head. Like it was trying to take over it. I turned to look at Hiccup, to se if he were affected by it too. His eyes searched the never-ending battle beneath us. His dull green eyes in comparison to Toothless' eyes. I turned towards the fleet, maybe he was still on them? The dragon underneath us shook her head and began descending. Then I saw him. The force around my head simply disappeared as I saw toothless. But he was on a boat. Before the Nadder had the chance to land, I jumped off and headed for the boat, Hiccup in my heals.

As we climbed aboard the ship we could see how heavily Toothless was chained to the boat. It would take the strength of teen men to force the looks open, and we would maybe count as one. Hiccup called Toothless' name before I had the chance and he raised his head. Toothless eyes landed upon Hiccup first with some feelings, then he turned to me. There was a spark in them as he began to fight the chains. Hiccup tried to force the metal ring around Toothless head off and I started at his face by dragging a facemask of sorts of. "You shouldn't be here" he said. I was surprised by the fact that he spoke, but somewhere inside me it didn't matter. He had said it like he wanted me to be there and his voice was like a soft poison to me. I wanted more. I started on the chain around his neck but couldn't get it off. "I wont leave you," I said. His face turned upon mine and as if he wanted to ask if I could understand him, but something caught his attention because the next instance he screamed at us to move. I grabbed Hiccup as I jumped sideways. Something huge smashed into the boat and a wave crashed into us as we were still in the air. Hiccup was forced from my arms and everything went black for a second.

I drew a shaky breath and noted that I was on land. I felt like a pile of jack dung as I tried to clear my head. This pressing feeling around my head told me to get away from here, but that didn't matter as my eyes noticed Hiccup being cast to land by Stoic the vast. I stood with new energy and looked desperately for Toothless. Then I heard Hiccup sputter that he was still underwater and that he couldn't leave him. Before anyone had the chance to stop me or get him themselves I jumped in. I don't know why I had this feeling, but I new I had to save him. Somewhere I knew I wouldn't be able to break the neck chain but I had to try.

I spotted him quickly, as if something had dragged me towards him. His head was down and he seemed lifeless. As soon as I made contact with his forehead his eyes shoot open and this overwhelming feeling of fear filled me. But it wasn't mine. My eyes shoot open at the feeling and I was shocked. He tried to make me leave him. The feeling in my lungs was like someone had punched me hard. I needed air, but I couldn't leave without Toothless. I had to take a try at that chain.

My hands wrapped around the metal piece and as if Toothless sensed I needed some more power he helped my and suddenly the chain broke. It was like magic. He grabbed me and we quickly ascended out of the water. If one had looked at the chain left in the water one would notice the marks of small human hands embedded in the metal chain.


I spit some water even though I hadn't breather it in. Toothless sent me a concerning glance before he did the same to Hiccup. Stoic stood in the dragon's way though, but not for long as he moved sideways to let the dragon have a glance. Hiccup was pale, but alive. We scurried to him and I saw that he wasn't conscious. Toothless had noticed too and he sent a worried glance towards the queen who were still rampaging through the fleet. Snotlout must be the little speck on its head, the twins circled the huge dragon and Fishlegs where nowhere to be seen. The Nadder had disappeared too.

A nagging feeling entered my chest as I realized there was little resistance against the queen. She would eventually go to the other side of the isle and kill all the remaining survivors. There was no chance left but to fight here and now. And since Hiccup was down the only two left were me and Toothless. It seemed he had come to the same conclusion as he stepped away from Hiccup and looked at me with hypnotizing green eyes. I turned too Stoic as he assessed his sons injuries. "I'll stop her, " I said with as much confidence I could muster and rose on Toothless back. My foot was pressed in the pedal and I turned to watch the movements of the tail before we leapt into the air. This would be the most dangerous battle ever, and we went in with little against this huge beast.

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