Falling to oblivion, or are we?

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(Still Astrid)


It was true felt. The burning in my foot increased, a scorching pain that I couldn't compare to anything I had ever felt before. Not even the time when I had broken my foot in a fall. This was as if something bore molding fire in my leg and tried to chop it off at the same time. And it only lasted for a second before the feeling spread to my entire body. I could no longer feel anything but the scorching heat, and then I opened my eyes to se the fire that the queen had sprayed at us, because what else could this pain be?

Black as something wrapped around me, was all I could see. The flames subsided as something cool was left in its place. I felt different and new somehow. As the numbness faded away Toothless unfurled his wings. His green eyes bore into mine and then he looked at the approaching ground. A miracle we hadn't hit it all ready. The pain in my foot was gone, replaced by a numb feeling. Toothless made a huge grin as happiness shone in his eyes. Why, I couldn't currently understand. But then he let his wings spread to its full width, hindering him from falling an inch longer. It was then he let me go...

Wind rushed past me as I saw Toothless fly off to fight the queen. And he had simply let me fall. Maybe the fire from the queen had scorched me so much I dint look like a living being, and that was why he had dropped me? But why would he smile like that? Fear filled my being as I turned my body by instinct towards the ground. It came faster now. How long had we fallen now? A feeling of something spread through me. It was like an instinct, but it didn't feel familiar. It was as if it wanted me to do something, but I couldn't wrap my mind around it. I tried to shake my grogginess and let my fall be the end off me. How had Toothless been able to fly?

The question popped up from nowhere. As the ground approached faster and faster a familiar feeling of doing something big wrapped around my hearth. This feeling, before something big happened. I wasn't going down his easy. I tried to angle myself towards the water thinking it might slow my fall a little. It went remarkable easy. Only with a twitch of my tail. The though came so natural I nearly missed it. "Tail?" as my head turned all I could se was black, black where I should be and then I plunged into the water.

Hitting the water jumping from the cliffs on Berk was hard. Falling into it from a mast was not something I had enjoyed, and I had ended up with a broken foot then. Hitting the water from above the clouds should hurt like Hel. It didn't. A stinging feeling rushed over my skin, if I could even call it that. I could at least understand why Toothless had let me go now. Maybe he had hoped I would just flap my wings like a happy little puppy and land safely. I trashed in the water trying to gain control. My arms worked differently from before, now placed a tad underneath me instead of at my side. My hind legs were placed underneath me too and I tried dogpaddling to reach the surface. It seemed to work as I broke the surface and gulped in huge gulps of air.

I looked around trying to catch a glimpse of anyone or anything. My eyes searched for the shore and I was rewarded by the black pebble shore of dragon isle. I began paddling towards it. I had a little surprise when I noticed how easy it as to stay afloat. I didn't have to do anything to stay afloat. I experimented using my tail and was rewarded by new speed to reach the shore. My mind was too occupied by the mission ahead to wonder about anything black. Mission; reach the shore. I didn't think about what would happen afterwards. I swished my tail from side to side, my arms and legs tucked underneath me.

Then I reached shore. New mission; find someone living. I hadn't noticed before now, but I could smell and hear a lot. A lot more than what I was used to. A smell of fire lingered in the air and it stuck in my mouth. I could hear screams. I began going in that direction, looking for the queen or Toothless.

My two feet felt everything where I walked but it didn't hurt as I stepped on some sharp rocks. I could simply feel that they were sharp. I was lost in my mind for a few seconds as I waded between some rocks, my tail dragging behind me. After a while of walking, or it felt as if it had been a while I couldn't detect the screams anymore. Conclusion; they had moved further away from me. I didn't think about other reasons. New mission; learn to move faster.

I tried to move on all four, finding it easier than trying to walk around on two legs. The speed increased too. I tried a new rhythm, moving my legs faster. After stumbling I got the hang of it and began doing leaps, taking the ground with my arms and pushing from, using my legs. Err hindlegs and frontlegs? My tail gave me exceptional balance and I tried to keep my mind clear. I should be ready to fight. I ran in the direction where I last heard the screams.

Blood. All I could smell now was the metal-twinge sent of blood and a twinge of fire. I came around to a hill and looked down. I drew a sharp breath as I saw the battlefield left. Hundreds of Vikings had gathered there again, watching as Toothless tried to shake the queen off him in the stone pillars. Hopelessness filed my mind as I saw the queen snap her jaws after Toothless. He was magnificent, flying faster and dodging easily the big chunks of stone in his way. My shoulders tensed and I wished to join in. I was no spectator. Before thinking what I should do, my body reacted as I pushed from the earth. Huge black wings swiped down on either side of me as I gained speed. I didn't think, and that seemed to be the key as I raced towards the fight.

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