Chapter Two:

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Chapter Two

         The first day I was in Smallville, Kansas was the day my life changed. There was no going back. We drove all the way from Hanson, Idaho to our new home in Kansas. When we first pulled into the driveway, I was surprised at how cute the little house actually was. It was light yellow, with a wrap-around porch and had two stories. There was a barn in the back, and we had five acres of land that we now owned.

After exploring the house and property, my sister Callie and I began unpacking our things. We had barely started when we were sent out on an errand to go to the grocery store and pick up the things that my mom needed for dinner. I had gotten my driver’s license last year, so I just took my mom’s Escalade. My sister Callie and I drove into town, found the grocery store, and were on our way home as it started to rain. The small rainstorm then turned into a thunder and lightning storm, and when we were about a mile from our home, lightning struck a telephone pole 30 feet in front of our car.

I tried to brake, but the roads were slick and the brakes locked up. Our momentum carried us forward, right into the path of the falling telephone pole. The last thing I remembered was hearing my thirteen year old sister’s screams fill the car.

When I woke up, I immediately looked over to Callie, who was unconscious, but wasn’t bleeding and didn’t have any obvious broke bones. I quickly assessed our situation. The pole had smashed into our car, but we were both alive and once I woke Callie up, we could see about escaping. I reached over to shake Callie’s shoulder lightly.

"Cal. Cal, wake up." I jostled her a little more. Callie wasn’t moving, and I was starting to get scared. "Callie!" Then, I became frantic, because I saw the approaching semi truck that was screaming towards us with no intention of stopping. The driver was honking the horn and trying to brake, but the slick roads made braking quickly impossible.

Then, out of nowhere, I saw a boy approach my side of the car. He looked through the window at me, and smiled. As he stood there, letting the rain drops hit him all over, soaking through his clothes, I just kept thinking ‘Is he crazy? Or am I? Is he even there?’ Then, this boy, who looked like he couldn’t have been more than 17 or 18 years old, pushed the car off the road, and out of the path of the oncoming truck.

After that, he ran into the corn field alongside the road, and I just kept staring into the corn, wondering if that had actually just happened. Then I heard Callie stirring, and my attention instantly refocused onto my sister.

"Oh my god Callie, are you ok??" I asked frantically.

"Well I’m fine, but you’re bleeding… I think I just passed out, but it looks like you hit the steering wheel."

I turned the rearview mirror to face me, and I checked my face. Sure enough, there was a large gash running along my temple and cheek, and a bruise was already starting to form. "Yeah, you’re right. We need to call Mom and Dad…"

I looked for my phone, which had fallen onto the driver’s side floorboard, and I searched for my father’s contact. I pressed the call button, and waited for him to pick up. "Daddy? Um, we’re fine but, there’s been an accident…"

A/N: Hope you liked Chapter Two!!! It’s longer than Chapter One. By like a LOT. Lol but I hope to update frequently, so don’t hate me too much for the short chappies!! Love you all cupcakes! Comment, vote, all that shiz…


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