Chapter Eleven:

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Chapter Eleven:

"So does this mean that you guys are boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Haley inquired, obviously feeling no shame or self-consciousness about asking such a question.

"Well we haven’t really discussed the title yet," Clarke said.

"Well I think you guys would be a cute couple!" Chloe chimed in.

"Thanks Chlo," I told her.

We were all eating lunch together on Tuesday at school, and we were all getting used to me and Clarke. The whole band was there, including Evan, the bass player, who I met that morning. Clarke and I weren’t technically boyfriend and girlfriend, but we had agreed to give it a shot, and be something, but now we had to find out what that "something" was going to be…

"I still can’t believe you can sing and play the guitar," Clarke mused.

"Why?" I asked.

"You’re too perfect. You have a bunch of things going for you and it’s just not fair."

"Oh please… I’m not perfect by anyone’s standards."

"Actually, you’d be surprised. I’m sure you’ll do pretty well with this school’s social society…" Haley once again proved the fact that she had no brain-mouth filter.

"I’m not sure that’s a good thing," I responded.

"No it is… This school is usually pretty acceptant of people who are different as long as you embrace it, which you obviously do, so people should take you pretty well. You’re nice and funny and confident and you’re not shy. You’re gonna be Miss. Popularity by the time the year is over."

"But what if I don’t want to be Miss. Popularity?" I asked.

"You’ll live. Life’s not fair sweetheart," Haley told me.

"Who says you get to call me sweetheart?" I teased.

"Yeah I think that fits more in my job description," Clarke joined in.

"Oh, so you're claiming pet name rights… You’re definitely a couple!" Haley squealed.

"You’re insane," Clarke commented.

"-ly amazing! So I’ve been told," Haley deflected Clarke’s insult and turned it into a compliment.


"Yes, I do seem to have that effect on certain people. But Sky, she’s the one that should make people speechless… She’s in all AP classes, she’s gorgeous, feisty, and she has a boyfriend less than a week after she moves to a completely new state halfway across the country. That’s insane," Haley said, surprisingly in awe.

"Thanks, but I really think that’s a bit much Haley… You make it sound like I’m little miss perfect."

"You’re perfect to me," Clarke whispered to me.

After school, Clarke and I were walking to the parking lot, when he turned to me.

"You know, with us living so close together, we should really carpool… Save the environment and all that…"

"Sure or ya know, you could just want to spend time with me every day…" I teased him.

"That too. So do you want to carpool?" Clarke asked.

"Anything to ride on your bike… That thing is beautiful."

"Oh you like my baby?" he teased me. "Good, because you’re going to be riding on the back of her every day now, because I’m picking you up at 7:30 tomorrow morning whether you want me to or not."

"Ok, then I’ll see you tomorrow."

"Wait, Sky, I wanted to ask you something…"


"Will you have dinner with me Friday night?"

"Sure. I’d love to."

Tuesday 9:53 P.M.

Clarke: Hi 

Me: Hey. What’s up 

Clarke: nm just thinking about you

Me: that’s adorable, I was just thinking about you too…

Clarke: That’s nice to hear

Me: Ahh but I didn’t tell you WHAT I was thinking about you…

Clarke: Ahahahaha. Ha. Ha. That’s cute.

Me: Yep I know I am :D

Clarke: Yeah, you’re definitely full of yourself :P

Me: Yes, yes I am.

Clarke: looking forward to our date on Friday 

Me: Me too

Clarke: What no sarcasm? I’m truly shocked… :P lol

Me: Yeah yeah but really I’m looking forward to it

Clarke: Me too

Me:  how should I dress for it? I mean like a casual to formal ratio if you will

Clarke: Nice but not formal

Me: Okay that’s kind of what I thought but I didn’t want to over- or under-dress for it… that would be awkward lol

Clarke: Not too bad :P

Me:*yawns* I’m sleepy. You?

Clarke: Yeah, but I wanted to tell you I was thinking about you before I went to bed… Night Sky  See you tomorrow morning at 7:30

Me: Yep. Night and ttyt

 A/N: Yay! Chapter Eleven is up now! I'm so happy that this story is getting so many reads! :) To everyone who reads this book: Thank you so much! :) I'm always really grateful to my readers! Anyways, vote, comment, fan! Thanks   -SmileyGirl10

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