Chapter 38 - A Challenge and a Friendly Bet

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Tuesday evening's supper was ordinary by most standards, except that Greg ... and to a lesser extent Matthew ... was watching Susan closely, while Marion and Richard were watching both Susan and Greg. Greg, Marion and Richard were all surprised by how well Susan handled herself the rest of the evening in light of the pitcher of margaritas she'd consumed earlier that afternoon. Aside from Matthew however, none of the children seemed to notice a difference in her and Matthew's main concern was to ensure Susan had something to eat. After that he didn't seem all that concerned. Greg on the other hand, hovered around Susan. He seemed to be expecting some sort of a problem, but as far as their friends could tell, none ever materialized. After supper, the Abernathy's opted for a walk around the Promenade Deck, while Richard and Marion took the twins up on top so they could practice walking.

"You don't happen to know if Susan used to drink, do you?" Richard asked his wife idly as they watched Charlie and Melissa toddle about.

"I don't think she ever had a drinking problem, if that's what you mean. I think it was more of a drink because she had a problem scenario from what I've heard," Marion shared.

"So she did used to drink ... more than she does now," Richard concluded.

"I think she probably did. From what Susan told me once, she's become a lot more religious in her activities since she's been with Greg, and for her that means not drinking. They don't at the church her family goes to, you know," Marion reminded him.

"I remember that from Thanksgiving when her brother's family and her parents were there," Richard recalled. "It just seems odd to me though, because Greg does drink. He's a scotch and soda man, when the situation calls for it. He's not going to say anything about it if Susan wants to have a drink. I'm sure he'd never give it a second thought, except around him she never has."

"Susan told me she used to drink socially with Michael because he expected it," Marion shared.

"And Greg doesn't. Maybe that's all it is," Richard remarked.

"Do you think it bothered him that she was drinking today?" Marion asked her husband.

"I think it surprised him. I think he has a tendency to think he knows everything there is to know about Susan," Richard replied.

"He doesn't," Marion assured him. "Susan is a surprising person. She's not at all what I initially supposed her to be. I like her a lot more than I ever thought I would."

Richard raised an eyebrow at his wife. "You, Marion? You like a woman who works? I thought you didn't approve of women like that."

"Susan is a professional," Marion clarified. "That's different from a woman who works to avoid being home. Susan doesn't do that. She has the mindset of a professional, but her family always comes first. Like now ... she's taken the time she needs off from her job to take care of Melody. I know she'll go back eventually, but I respect the way she's handled it."

Richard grinned at his wife. "Finally, Greg has married a woman you like," he teased. "It took him long enough."

"It certainly did," Marion concluded.


Meanwhile down on the Promenade Deck, Greg and Susan were walking and talking too, while pushing Melody in her stroller.

"I've been meaning to tell you," Susan said as they walked for their fifth lap around the deck. "I saw Dr. Daniels last month while you were away."

"Oh? Was this just a routine follow up or was there a special reason?" Greg asked.

"Well, remember he wanted to see me again in June? I sort of forgot and by the time I called his office, the first time I could get an appointment was early July ... just after you left, while the boys were at Michael's. I apologized for coming in late, and he told me that was fine. July was close enough," Susan explained.

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