Chapter 51 - Long Days

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Following an introspective but otherwise peaceful and restful weekend, Monday morning came early for Greg. He rose before Susan did and was ready to leave for the studio while she was still getting the children out of bed.

"Good bye, Susan," he said as he kissed her cheek when she returned to the kitchen with Melody under her arm to begin making them all breakfast.

"Goodbye. When will you be home?" Susan asked as she heated the bottle with the medicine in it for the baby and put her in her high chair.

"By six," Greg answered.

"That's going make for a very long day," Susan commented.

"At the moment, that can't be helped," Greg told her, and he hurried through the bookcase door, just as Matt came into the kitchen dressed for school.

"What's with him?" Matt asked noting Greg's uncharacteristically brisk manner as he left.

"He has a lot on his mind, Matt," Susan said. "The movie is taking a lot of his time just now, and I don't think that's necessarily changed just because they're working here instead of from the ship."

"Yeah, I guess. Did I hear you tell Richard you're going to visit them at the studio on Wednesday?" Matt asked.

"You heard that?" Susan asked in surprise. "I thought you were working on Saturday!"

"I didn't leave until after Greg got home," Matt reminded her and Susan frowned slightly. "So are you going to do it?"

"I'm still thinking about it," Susan told him honestly.

Matt studied his mother thoughtfully. "Mom, I thought you were supposed to help each other out when you're soul mates."

"You are. Of course you are," Susan told him.

"Then why won't you help Greg?"

"I am helping him, Matt, in every way I know," Susan assured him.

"Yeah, but suppose there's a way you don't even know about that could help, shouldn't you do that? Shouldn't you at least try to do that?" Matt asked.

"Is that what you're trying to do?" Susan asked her son.

"What, between me and Ashley?" he asked with a start.

"Yes. Isn't that what you were thinking of when you brought it up?" Susan said.

"Yeah I guess ... I mean sort of ... but on the other hand, not really. You and Greg are different. You're married. You've been at this a long time. You do stuff together without thinking about it most of the time."

"Very true."

"Ash and I have to think about it nearly every time," Matt told her. "Nothing comes easy to us."

"I'm sure that's true," Susan agreed.

"So I was wondering, wouldn't doing something that was different be ... I don't know ... hard for you? I mean it is for me, but then everything is new to me. But couldn't habit make it doubly hard for you?" Matt asked.

"You mean like trying to break a bad habit would be?" Susan wondered.

"Sort of," Matt told her with a frown. He thought about it some more. "I don't know, Mom. I'm sure I don't know what it is you're trying to do to help or what Richard asked you to do, but if it was me, I think I would try."

"I will," Susan assured him. "Like you heard me told Richard, I'm going to visit the studio on Wednesday. I just need to call Marion to see if she would be willing to watch Melody for me for a few hours that day."

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