Chapter 39 - The Play

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Everyone was ready and everything was in place by the time the film crew returned to the Opal. They were filming clear through the sunset, trying to get the best shots in the fading golden light, so as a result it was dark by the time Greg and his crew arrived back on board the ship. Melody, Jessie, and the twins had been fed and were already with the child care people up on the third deck. Susan was standing at the top of the gang plank waiting for Greg, while Marion, Richard, Matthew and Zackary looked on from the deck above. According to Marion, the stage had been set, and they were all waiting for the play to begin.

Susan waited nervously as several of the crew walked by, exiting the boat ahead of Greg. A couple of them did a double take, looking her up and down and smiling appreciatively before going on their way. Susan glanced anxiously up at Marion who gave her the thumbs up sign.

"You did a good job with her, Marion," Richard told his wife in a tone that wasn't exactly private, but also wasn't intended to carry. "Susan looks fantastic."

"Thank you," Marion beamed. "I tried."

Despite Richard's intentions, his comments did carry and Susan blushed slightly, adding natural pinkness to the color of her cheeks, just as she spotted Greg below, coming up behind two of their stunt doubles. Greg spotted her too at nearly the same time and his smile of greeting turned into an appreciative grin.

"You see?" Richard nudged his wife.

"Hush, Richard. That's not enough, and you know it."


"Hi," Susan said as Greg reached the top and drew up next to her against the rail in order to let the others pass.

"Hello," Greg said. He slid his hand around her waist, only to discover her back was bare. Greg's brow quirked up. "It was nice of you to come meet me."

Susan smiled her most inviting smile as she looked up at him.

"I thought I should welcome you properly this evening ... considering," Susan offered.

"Have you something special in mind?" Greg asked noting the way she was dressed.

"I do. We have reservations at the restaurant instead of the dining room in a half an hour. Jessie and Melody are at the child care facility for the next few hours. Matt and Zackary are having dinner with Marion and Richard so we could have dinner together. Just the two of us ... something more to your liking than a pitcher of margaritas and some chips," Susan explained.

Greg's smile grew even broader still.

"I like that idea very much. I would like to freshen up before I join you. Do I have time?"

"You should," Susan agreed.

She stepped away from the rail, leaning against him slightly before taking him by the hand and walking with him back to their stateroom.


"No fair," Marion said. "That isn't enough. He has to get swept away in public."

"Give them time, Marion. The night is young," Richard promised. "He's just going to get cleaned up and change his clothes. Remember, Greg actually has been working all day. Shooting from the back of that water taxi or the barge is a hot and sticky job."

Marion regarded her husband skeptically, but they continued to wait in a place where they could see Greg and Susan emerge from their stateroom once Greg was ready. Once they did, it was clear Greg was freshly shaven, wore clean and pressed kaki colored slacks, an open collared white shirt and a blazer, while Susan had added a shawl to her dress. Greg's hand was on her back, beneath the shawl as they walked.

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